n - University of Newcastle

n - University of Newcastle

n - University of Newcastle


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Wea, be unne man-nun? man-nun bang; na., miltthou take<br />

Say, thon this take-will ? take-will I. this ? I will take.<br />

Kaaran bang man-nun; m., I will not take.<br />

Not I take-will.<br />

Wea, unnemurrong?murrorong-ta unnoa; ~n.,isthisgood?<br />

Say, this good? good that. that is good.<br />

Wea, urine murron marekul? murron-ta unnoa.<br />

Say, this tame dog. tame that.<br />

nz., is this a tame dog? that is tame.<br />

Wea, unne buk-lia ? buk-ka-ta unnoa; m., is this savage?<br />

Say, this sarage ? savage that. that is sarage.<br />

Wea, unte-man-ta pibelo? unn-am-bo-ta.<br />

Say, here there pipe? there.<br />

m., is the pipe here ? it is, at this place.<br />

Wea, ba-le wa-la? van-ta-ring? Sydney ko-ba.<br />

Say, thou-I move-do? where? Sydney to.<br />

aa., shall thou aud I go ? where ? to Sydney.<br />

Wea, unnoa porol? porol-ta unnoa; nt.,is thatheavy? it is<br />

Say, that heavy? heavy this. heavy this.<br />

Iiaami; mir-wir-ran-ta unne; nt., it is not (heavy) ; it is light<br />

No ; light this. this.<br />

Wea, tea be ngu-nu11 ? nz., (what) vilt thou give me ?<br />

Say, to me thou give-nil1 ?<br />

Sgu-nun bang-nu ngeroung ; m., I mill give it thee.<br />

Give-mill I-it for-thee.<br />

TiTea, bnla tailan x-a-la? mea, ngaan tanail ma-la?<br />

Say, ye tm-o approach more-do ? say, we approach mo~e-do?<br />

n7., mill ye two come? shall me come ?<br />

TVea, be n-a-nun amlnoung kntoa? ?~z.,n~iltthougowithme?<br />

Say, thou ino\~e-m-ill me with ?<br />

Wea, bountoama-nun" ngeroung katoa? m.,mill she go<br />

Say, she move-will thee vith ? with thee ?<br />

IVea, bountoa nnnung ka-nun ngeroung kin?<br />

Say she there be-will thee with.<br />

m., mill she li~e with thee?<br />

1G. Ka-i; Ka-bo ; nt., conze; stop, remain, be still, halt.<br />

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