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10. ADVERBS.<br />

There are numerous aclvcrbs in the language, but the most<br />

common are :-<br />

Adee~bs <strong>of</strong> Ti'iilze.<br />

Grekkald, ' to-morrow.'<br />

Palli, ‘ while,' ' by-and-by.'<br />

Gurintand, ' <strong>of</strong>ten.'<br />

R~UTTU~, ‘ a long time ago.'<br />

Hik, ' now.'<br />

Ugunuk, ' when ' (relative).<br />

ICaldan, ' a long time.'<br />

Knrlo, ' to-clay.'<br />

I17ataggrau, ' yesterday.'<br />

Paral, ' when ' (interrogatire).<br />

Tun, 'by-and-by.'<br />

AJcerbs <strong>of</strong> .iiTegntiolz.<br />

Nowaiye, ' none.'<br />

No~vaiye ellin, ' no more.' Tarno, ' no '; ' not.'<br />

Tarnalin, ' not yet.'<br />

Tauo, ' don't ' (imperati\-e).<br />

Tarno el, ' clon't' (do it).<br />

Tarnalo, ' no inore '; ' nerer.'<br />

Adverbs <strong>of</strong> Place.<br />

Ainu, ' by (at) that place.' Yak, yauo, ' where to.'<br />

Sklii, dye, alyikke, ' here.' Pa@, ' where'?<br />

,tlyenik, ‘ this place here.' Tagalli, ' where is he'?<br />

Euzru, ‘ where ' (relative). Tarnd, 'whence'?<br />

ICn-un, ' far <strong>of</strong>f.'<br />

Tarnd inde, ' whence thou'?<br />

Ondu, ' over there.'<br />

Tarnd ande, ' vhither thou'?<br />

l?xccnzl~les <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> Adverbs.<br />

Yak a1 incle tantani, '--here will you sleep'; gurlug aiau,<br />

' at-the-place-where the hill ' (is) ; manti kiuau tantani ap,<br />

' the hut where I shall sleep '; gap tagulun ku-un, ' I stand far<br />

<strong>of</strong>f'; kegk tagulun ku-u, 'they two stand far <strong>of</strong>f'; liar<br />

tagulun kuar-un, 'they stand far <strong>of</strong>f.'<br />

The word wuny e, 'then,' usually coalesces with the pronoun<br />

or verb-sign which follows it ; as, wun y ap, ' then I '; wunyar,<br />

'then they1; wunyel itye, 'then will he.'<br />

The norcls uk, ukke, luk, lun, 'so,' 'thus,' denote rese~~zbln~~ce;<br />

as,lnk u0.r lun u, 'so,' 'thus'; lug itye yarnin, 'thushespeaks';<br />

11111 ellin, ' so being,' i.e., ' like '; luk u gge, ' like this one ';<br />

hikkai ukke, ' this may '; hi1 amb uk, ' for this may,' i.e., 'beecause<br />

'; lun uk, ' thus '; go uk ap, ' I go so.'<br />

The word amb y may be translated either ' instead cf ' (preposition)<br />

or 'because' (conjunctioil) ; as, kaldau amb, ' for a long<br />

time'; hi1 amb uk, 'because'; pinyatowe altl anlb anaipeibcrri<br />

means 'sugar for my tea'<br />

11. NOTES ON SYNTAX.<br />

1. The form <strong>of</strong> the verb is constant in its mood and tenses ;<br />

ollly the pronoun-subjects vary.<br />

- ,<br />


8. The postpositional suffixes to pronouns are all:-ays attachecl<br />

to the accusative case ; as, kan-ail:, ' to them.'<br />

3. Pronominal acljectires are a!\:-ays r'eclined with their :-,ouns ;<br />

as, kin-an y ir-agk t ald u in nncl-ak l;, ' to his house '; all& so :dso<br />

hililiai korn, 'this man,' harnalcar kornar, ' tliese men';<br />

ornagk nnggugai, 'in that day.'<br />

4. Ths clirninutive is ylacccl after tile case-ending <strong>of</strong> the noun ;<br />

as, porl-alcl-01, ' <strong>of</strong> a little child '; porl-ar-01, ' <strong>of</strong> little chilclren.'<br />

5. IVhen an acljective and its noun are declined together, tlit.<br />

case-encling is attached only to the arljectil-e ; nu &gar-ald lioril,<br />

'<strong>of</strong> a gooel man.'<br />

6. The post-positioil -u ra m 13, ' for the purpose <strong>of</strong>,' is nl~r-nys<br />

attached to any vzrb mltich is put in the infinitive by anotller<br />

verb ; as, yempir i! anaSli nalckari tali-~~ail~b, 'he prc me<br />

a cluck to eat.'<br />

12. FORUATIOX OF 1I-02~~.<br />

This is effected by arlcling on various terminations, sollie <strong>of</strong> \~Iiich<br />

have alreacly been noticed :-<br />

(1) -wallin, 'being '; as, pilgeru-~s-allin, ' greedy.'<br />

(8) -warin, ' making'; as, ko&l;-u-1;-arin, 'sendhlg a-my from,'<br />

from 1x0 gk, ' apart '; ana gb-mar in, 'preperinp,' ' getting rencly '<br />

(lit., 'making towards it'), from anagli, liailngk, it~anagk, the<br />

clatire <strong>of</strong> the pronoun it y e.<br />

(3) -at y eri, ' belongillg to '; as, 1ao:m-aty eri, 'TI-CO~ for n fire,'<br />

from lammin, ' carrying on the back.'<br />

13. LIST OF PP,EPOSITIOSS, ADI-E~~s, kc.<br />

T ~ prepositions E are used as postpositions ; those words which<br />

in this list are preceded by n hyphen are used as affixes.<br />

Above-kerau, kizth. j An-ay froin here- -andel

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