Current version - Indiana University South Bend

Current version - Indiana University South Bend

Current version - Indiana University South Bend


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PSY-P 106 General PsychologY–honors (4 cr.)<br />

P: Consent of instructor. Intensive<br />

introduction to psychology, combining<br />

lectures, discussions, and laboratory<br />

demonstrations. May not be taken by<br />

students who have had PSY-P 103 or<br />

PSY-P 101/PSY-P 102. I<br />

PSY-P 190 Applying Psychology (3 cr.)<br />

<strong>Current</strong> theory and applications of<br />

psychology covering personality, social,<br />

learning, cognition, and clinical topics.<br />

Applications of psychology to real-world<br />

problems and issues. Specific topics vary<br />

across semesters.<br />

PSY-P 205 UNDERSTANDING research in<br />

PSYCHOLOGy (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P103 or PSY-P106 and Level 3<br />

on mathematics placement examination.<br />

A combination of experimental research<br />

methods and statistics for non-majors.<br />

This course offers instruction in critical<br />

thinking, different research designs,<br />

execution of simple experiments,<br />

interpretation of statistical outcomes,<br />

and understanding research reports. I, II<br />

PSY-P 211 Methods of Experimental Psychology<br />

(3 cr.)<br />

P: COAS-Q 110, ENG-W 131, and PSY-P<br />

103 or PSY-P 106. Design and execution of<br />

simple experiments, treatment of results,<br />

search of the literature, and preparation<br />

of experimental reports. I, II, S<br />

PSY-P 216 Life Span Developmental Psychology<br />

(3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. A survey<br />

course which integrates the basic<br />

concepts of physical, cognitive, and<br />

psychosocial development from the<br />

prenatal period to death. Throughout the<br />

life span, theories, research, and critical<br />

issues in developmental psychology are<br />

explored with consideration of practical<br />

implications. Credit not given for both<br />

PSY-P 216 and PSY-P 316. I, II<br />

PSY-P 220 Drugs and BehavioR (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. An<br />

introduction to drug use and misuse. The<br />

use of psychoactive drugs is considered<br />

from a biopsychosocial perspective. The<br />

effects of drugs on the nervous system and<br />

the behavioral adaptations that support<br />

drug use are reviewed. The therapeutic<br />

uses of drugs to treat mental illness and<br />

programs of drug education/prevention<br />

are considered. I, II<br />

PSY-P 233 Industrial Psychology (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103, PSY-P 106, or consent of<br />

instructor. Application of psychological<br />

principles and research techniques to<br />

industrial and personnel problems, including<br />

selection, training, organizational processes,<br />

equipment design, and consumer behavior. I<br />

PSY-P 241 Functional Analysis of Behavior 1 (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. Basic concepts<br />

and procedures in the experimental<br />

analysis and control of behavior. II<br />

PSY-P 303 HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. Focuses on the<br />

role of psychological factors in health and<br />

illness. Modes of intervention covered<br />

include health education/promotion,<br />

risk factor reduction, and behavioral<br />

medicine. Topics include stages of<br />

change theory, medical decision making,<br />

pain management, stress management,<br />

addiction, smoking cessation, weight<br />

control, physician-patient interaction.<br />

PSY-P 316 Psychology of Childhood and<br />

Adolescence (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. Development<br />

of behavior in infancy, childhood, and<br />

youth; factors which influence behavior.<br />

Credit not given for both PSY-P 216 and<br />

PSY-P 316. I, II<br />

PSY-P 319 The Psychology of Personality (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. Theories<br />

of personality: methods and results of<br />

scientific study of personality. Basic<br />

concepts of personality traits and their<br />

measurements, developmental influences,<br />

and problems of integration. I, II<br />

PSY-P 320 Social Psychology (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. The study<br />

of psychological theories and research<br />

dealing with social influence and<br />

social behavior, including topics such<br />

as conformity, person perception,<br />

aggression, attitudes, and group<br />

dynamics. I, II<br />

PSY-P 321 Group Dynamics (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. R: PSY-P 320.<br />

Study of group process, group decision,<br />

group relations, group development, and<br />

interrelations with individuals, other<br />

groups, and larger institutions.<br />

PSY-P 324 Abnormal Psychology (3 cr.)<br />

P: PSY-P 103 or PSY-P 106. A first course<br />

in abnormal psychology, with emphasis<br />

on forms of abnormal behavior, etiology,<br />

development, interpretation, prevention,<br />

and therapy. I, II, S<br />

P = Prerequisite, R = Recommended, C = Concomitant, VT = Variable Title<br />

I = fall semester, II = spring semester, S = summer session(s)

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