2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi


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duction that forces play into game, to say it in the terms of the previous section. In this case,<br />

how is the sense of the coupling to be interpreted? Moreover, how can two or more, possi-<br />

bly confliciting interpretation be reconciled, if at all?<br />

A second strictly related point concerns the inner articulation of Spiel. I have spent<br />

quite some time trying to disentangle the various constraints required by the notion of Spiel<br />

that comes up at the end of philosophy. It is certainly not granted that exactly the same con-<br />

straints must be at work in similar configurations of the concept. In this case, however, we<br />

must first ask what consequences might such a difference have and, moreover, how it is re-<br />

lated to the previous point, namely to the sense of the relationship between the end and<br />

Spiel. For example, it will be seen that in some instances two different aspects of Spiel are<br />

emphasized: sometimes is the play-like that comes to the fore and sometimes is the game-<br />

like side. This difference is accompanied by a diverging intepretation of the sense of the<br />

general relationship between the end and Spiel, which prompts us to ask whether there is a<br />

different interpretation of the inner articulation of Spiel that relocates the sense or it is in-<br />

stead the opposite to be true, namely that a different sense forces a different articulation.<br />

And what would that mean, for the connection as such?<br />

Third, and last, we should ask who is the subject (to use a not too improbable word in<br />

this context) of the Spielen that takes place at and in the end. Who is playing here? A short<br />

list of suggested candidates includes being, Geschick of being, Geist, différance, not to<br />

mention an empirical subject endowed with bounded rationality. It is certainly not easy to<br />

answer this question, especially because it is unavoidably connected to the sense and the<br />

articulation.<br />

15. See, for example, Derrida’s comment on the Rousseauian festival as a festival of full presence, a ball,<br />

a dance, a ring where there is no distinction between players and spectators, voyers and voyants: “there<br />

ary many games (jeux) within the public festival, but no play (jeu) at all, if one understands by that<br />

singular number the substitution of contents, the exchange of presence and absence, chance and absolute<br />

risk. The festival represses the relationship with death...” Jacques Derrida, De la grammatologie,<br />

(Paris: Seuil, 1967) 433. Engl tr. Of Grammatology (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1974) 307. Notice<br />

the crucial use of words coming from the three main semantic areas of Spiel—e.g. movement, agonistic<br />

confrontation, and free-flowing activity— organized and organizing an argument about the limit of<br />

metaphysics. See also, in “La pharmacie de Platon,” the programmatic declaration: “Jeu est la cyphre<br />

de l’ouverture anti-dialectique par excellence” (Paris: Seuil 1972) 150.<br />


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