2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi


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ward an “absolute” truth in the traditional sense and turn toward a truly non-philosophical<br />

reinterpretation of philosophy and epistemology tout court. Jean Petitot seems to opt for the<br />

first alternative, if we are to judge from a recent essay, where he says:<br />

Le “tournant morphologique” su structuralisme opéré par la théorie des<br />

catastrophes ouvre un vaste territoire qui reste encore à explorer<br />

entièrement. Il permet de constituer le structuralisme théorique en «système<br />

physique». […] Loir de devenir obsolète comme le voudrait un certain<br />

irrationalism contemporain, le structuralisme garde présentement toute sa<br />

pertinence et toute sa force. Son programme de recherche est loin d’être<br />

épuisé, bien au contraire, puisqu’à travers la théorie de l’(auto)organisation<br />

et la physique mathématique des phénomènes critiques il est en train<br />

d’établir sa jonction avec le sciences naturelles. 51<br />

The “present-day irrationalist” Jean Petitot alludes to in the text is of course Jacques<br />

Derrida, who instead chooses the second option and decides to challenge the Structuralist<br />

ambition to objectivity. He presents an argument that aims to unveil the illusory character<br />

of an “absolute” structuralist enterprise, e.g. of a structuralism where the center enjoys an<br />

absolute, non-structural status.<br />

I will discuss Derrida’s critique mostly on the basis of his criticism of the notion of text<br />

and its principles of structural organization. It should be emphasized, in order to appreciate<br />

the relevance of Derrida’s effort to our present theme, that the “textual” character of Lévi-<br />

Straussian structures is stressed—and quite naturally so, given the linguistic foundations of<br />

Structuralism—by Lévi-Strauss himself, for example in Finale, where he says: “In other<br />

words, the operations of the senses have, from the start, an intellectual aspect, and the ex-<br />

ternal data belonging to the categories of botany, geology, zoology, etc. [e.g. the non-phe-<br />

nomenal elements that are rearranged and transformed by the mind at work in the mythical<br />

51. Jean Petitot, “Approche morphodynamique de la formule canonique du mythe,” L’Homme, 106-107,<br />

(1988), 46. Petitot reiterated his position in 1993, in occasion of a round table on the “canonical formula<br />

of the myth” organized by Emmanuel Désveaux and Jean Pouillon where he pointed out that “if<br />

the categorization process [that generates the transformations/oppositions, etc.] is implemented as a<br />

neural network, then the generative potentials become truer potentials in the physical sense, i.e. they<br />

become “energy” functions whose minima determine the terms of the categorization.” See Jean Petitot,<br />

“Note complémentaire sur l’approche morphodynamique de la formule canonique du mythe,” L’Homme,<br />

135, july-sept. 1995, 18.<br />


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