2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi


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interpretative squabbles, since, coming after the end of the book, it automatically enjoys the<br />

distance necessary to judge the work in its entirety. Or so it seems.<br />

The relative exteriority of paratext, in fact, raises a crucial theoretical issue: it is not<br />

possible to decide whether the index itself is inside or outside the text; in other words,<br />

whether it is or is not part of Mr. Palomar’s reflections. The index is both inside and outside,<br />

this is the most that we can say: inside because its content is an integral part of the text itself,<br />

but inevitably outside because it belongs to a level of discourse that has the text as its own<br />

object. The logical location of the index is undecidable, as undecidable—because essential-<br />

ly ambiguous—as the position of the player with respect to the game played. When the<br />

player participates in the game, when he lets himself be completely absorbed by the inex-<br />

orable combinatorics of the game, he is totally dissolved into the game. Consequently, he<br />

annihilates himself through an identification with the game that is so total to enable the ec-<br />

stasy of complete communion. As a matter of fact, however, the participant to the game<br />

must paradoxically distance himself from the game in order to accept it as such. He must<br />

be able to decide to start playing. The total combinatorial system is never simply given, but<br />

always recognized first and eventually accepted 14 . This entails a distance between player<br />

and game that is fatal to the functioning of the latter as a mechanism capable of solving the<br />

impossibility of experience. Or, to be more precise, it is fatal to the success of the philo-<br />

sophical position that assumes a certain reading of game as its guiding paradigm. Indeed,<br />

we have seen how the doctrine of the world as play finds its ground in the resolution of the<br />

voidness of experience into a close and organized system that must be able to radically sep-<br />

arate its inside from its outside in order to function. The world of chess, in order to provide<br />

an access to harmony, must be completely separated from everything surrounding it, it must<br />

have nothing outside itself. The combinatorial structure I have described above is just the<br />

14. Why? Because the combinatorial system is a system of differences, i.e., is a system made of differentiated<br />

elements interacting with each other. A total unity given from the outset would be an essentially<br />

undifferentiated unity. This is, of course, a basic Hegelian point I am relying on here, while disregarding,<br />

however, the issue of the possibility of a whole beyond difference, fracture and master-slave dialectics,<br />

as Kojève’s interpretation of Hegel that I am following here, would want it. See Alexandre<br />

Kojève, Introduction à la lecture de Hegel (Paris: Gallimard, 1947), partial Engl. translation id. Introduction<br />

to the Reading of Hegel (New York: Basic Books, 1969) lecture 12 of year 1938-39.<br />


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