2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi


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pressing games, e.g. search spaces, are too weak and need a different and stronger charac-<br />

terization in order to capture the difference.<br />

To put it differently: the prescription of formality, although it does not seem to violate<br />

the requirement of closure, in fact enforces it in the wrong way, by closing off what instead<br />

should be comprehended within the scope of the “formal” structure. AI games, as a conse-<br />

quences, are not a proper rendition of the concept of Spiel that we are after, since they miss<br />

one of its basic feature. Moreover, the attempt to take in what the structure inevitably ex-<br />

cludes proves impossible, because it would entail a substantial recourse to something that<br />

lies beyond the structure itself, therefore violating closure. The situation, in fact, is even<br />

more tangled, since the whole relationship between “internal” and “external” that Ai’s in-<br />

terpretation of detachment as formality engenders is truly paradoxical, and of the specific<br />

kind of paradoxes generated by the logic of the supplement. Let us define the latter by<br />

means of a passage by Jonathan Culler:<br />

The supplement is an inessential extra, added to something complete in<br />

itself [e.g. self-enclosed] but the supplement is added in order to complete,<br />

to compensate for a lack in what was supposed to be complete in itself. 17<br />

The supplement, in other words, is both an accessory, inessential addition that forms the<br />

core of the inside and a crucial component added from the outside. The logic of the supple-<br />

ment is at work whenever an allegedly external element is called in “to supplement” pre-<br />

cisely because there has always been a lack in what is supplemented. Derrida, in De la<br />

grammatologie, discusses the logic of the supplement in a variety of contexts taken from<br />

Rousseau’s texts. One of the most pregnant, and the one at the origin of the term, concerns<br />

Rousseau’s definition of masturbation as a “dangerous supplement.” Masturbation, accord-<br />

ing to Rousseau’s Confessions, is just a supplement, an addition, and a perverse one, to<br />

“normal” sexual activity. However, Rousseau makes clear that it is a particularly adequate<br />

addition, since it can replace or substitute quite efficiently for “normal” sexuality. As Der-<br />

rida points out, however, in order to function as an indistinguishable replacement, mastur-<br />

17. Jonathan Culler, On Deconstruction. Theory and Criticism after Structuralism (Ithaca: Cornell UP)<br />

20<strong>2.</strong> and Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology…, 95-157 for a discussion of the logic of the supplement.<br />


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