2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi


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to encompass those characteristics that we have seen best associated, in current English lan-<br />

guage, with the semantic area of play.<br />

Indeed, the very usage of the word jeu by Derrida, in the texts cited as well as else-<br />

where, exhibits precisely this slippage from the game-like to the play-like semantic com-<br />

ponents of jeu, and represent a good indication of the trajectory that the structuralist<br />

paradigm seems bound to follow within the space of Spiel. In Derrida’s words,<br />

cette thématique structuraliste de l’immédiateté rompue est donc la face<br />

triste, négative, nostalgique, coupable, rousseauiste, de la pensée du jeu<br />

dont l’affirmation nietzschéenne, l’affirmation joyeuse du jeu du monde et<br />

de l’innocence du devenir, l’affirmation d’un monde de signes sans faute,<br />

sans vérité, sans origine, offert à une interprétation active serait l’autre face.<br />

Cette affirmation determine alors le non-centre autrement que comme perte<br />

du centre. Car il ya un jeu sûr: celui qui se limite à la substitution des pièces<br />

données et existantes, présentes. Dans le hasard absolu, l’affirmation se<br />

livre aussi à l’indétermination génétique.” 56… The present endpoint of his trajectory, whose path is often marked in Derrida’s work<br />

by the opposition between jeux and jeu, or between the jeu sûr and the jeu that is submitted<br />

to a game of absolute chance, marks also the end of our investigation into Artificial Intel-<br />

ligence and Structuralism. We set out to determine whether these two programs could suc-<br />

cessfully articulate an “end of philosophy” based upon the reduction of the complexity of<br />

Spiel onto the game-like component and we have seen that both, in a very particular sense<br />

of the word, miss the target. Artificial Intelligence because, in spite of providing a very rich<br />

articulation of the concept of game—in fact, in spite of having indeed created such a con-<br />

cept as a theoretical entity—it is unable to provide a satisfactory treatment of the relation-<br />

ship tying together the rules and their content. AI remains caught into the formalist, and<br />

fallacious, opposition between form and content. Structuralism, on the other hand, solves<br />

satisfactory the latter problem through a much richer articulation of substance and structure<br />

that ends up in a the project of an “anaclastics science” representing a direct challenge to<br />

the most basic philosophical concepts. Structuralism itself, however, proves unable to bring<br />

56. Jacques Derrida, “La structure, Le signe et le jeu…” 428.<br />


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