2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi

2. Philosophy - Stefano Franchi


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philosophy that must be followed and assessed in their respective merit. The second point<br />

is more substantial: these claims seem to stand in sharp conflict with the objections to AI<br />

that have been raised from the scientific field, and in particular by psychologists and cog-<br />

nitive scientists. The crux of Artificial Intelligence’s relationship with philosophy, in other<br />

words, seems to consist in a clash between AI’s self image and its external perception from<br />

within the scientific field. Psychologists object that work in AI is too unrigorous and vague<br />

to be part of science, and it should be considered part of philosophy instead. AI retorts,<br />

somewhat violently, that it has gained a sufficient theoretical distance from philosophy to<br />

be considered a full-fledged scientific discipline. Thus, the confrontation between AI and<br />

philosophy is mediated by the objections moved from the scientific quarters: if these were<br />

found to be justified, then AI would be pulled, perhaps inexorably, toward philosophy, and<br />

its efforts to carve an autonomous theoretical space doomed to failure. To decide the issue,<br />

then, we need to look again at the content of these scientific objections.<br />

First, we may recognize that the dispute is not over what Artificial Intelligence is<br />

about, over its subject matter. In this respect, the self-perception and the outside gaze are<br />

remarkably in agreement. Rather, the dispute concerns AI’s methods —too un-theoretical<br />

and engineering-like—and approach—too broad and philosophical. Furthermore, it is im-<br />

portant to notice that what is contended is not the substance of the methods and approach,<br />

but rather their scientific value. The method and the approach, however, are precisely what<br />

AI takes to be its characteristic points of pride. In other words, the disagreement is remark-<br />

ably not about what AI is about, nor is it about how it goes about its business, but whether<br />

its engineeristic theoretical gaze is a virtue or a liability. AI sees it as its crucial advantage,<br />

while scientists retort it makes not a science of AI.<br />

The first objection targeted AI’s crucial reliance on computer programs, and denied<br />

that they may have any theoretical dignity. Of course no AI practitioner would deny that AI<br />

depends on programs. More importantly, she would contend that it is precisely by using<br />

programs that her discipline can start doing something and turn philosophy’s idle talking<br />

into concrete, testable results. The second and third objections concerned the abstract and<br />

generalizing approach typical of a discipline that focuses on intelligence in general and tar-<br />


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