Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium


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96 8 ChannelingMeV ION BEAMSUBSTITUTIONAL SCATTERINGSURFACE SCATTERINGINTERSTITIAL SCATTERINGFig. 8.3. Schematic <strong>of</strong> channeling trajectories <strong>and</strong> the interaction <strong>of</strong> the channeled particleswith surface atoms <strong>and</strong> impurities. Scattering from the first monolayers <strong>of</strong> the solid, surfacescattering, reveals details <strong>of</strong> the surface structure. The channeled ions, typically 98% <strong>of</strong> theincident beam, do not make close impact collisions with the host atoms or substitutionalimpurities. The dashed line, for substitutional scattering, indicates the small yield fromsubstitutional impurities. The channeled particles can interact strongly with displaced hostatoms or interstitial impurities8.2 General PrinciplesIf an energetic ion enters a crystal within a certain critical angle <strong>of</strong> a major axis,then each time it approaches one <strong>of</strong> the aligned rows <strong>of</strong> lattice atoms, thegradually increasing repulsion between the screened Coulomb fields <strong>of</strong> theprojectile <strong>and</strong> the lattice row is sufficient to steer it away again, thereby preventingviolent nuclear collisions from occurring. A reasonable estimate <strong>of</strong> this criticalangle within which channeling occurs can be obtained from the theoretical work<strong>of</strong> Lindhard (1965); for heavy ions at kilo-electron-volt energies, the channelingcriterion for a particle <strong>of</strong> energy E <strong>and</strong> angle <strong>of</strong> incidence ψ relative to a row isgiven by1/2c [( TF / )1]ψ ≤ ψ ≡ a d ψ(8.1)where1 1 22 1/2ψ = (2 ZZe / Ed )(8.2)

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