Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium


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216 15 <strong>Ion</strong> <strong>Implantation</strong> in CMOS Technology: Machine Challengeselements <strong>of</strong> the beamline. Today, the majority <strong>of</strong> new implant systems use anindirectly heated cathode (IHC) (Horsky 1998). The IHC is able to realize sourceoperatinglifetimes two to five times longer than could be achieved with the earlierFreeman- or Bernas-type sources, which consisted <strong>of</strong> a hot filament immersed in aplasma discharge. Virtually all implanter beamlines also require a mass analysisdevice – almost universally a dipole electromagnet – which provides momentumdispersion <strong>and</strong> transverse focusing <strong>of</strong> the ion beam.High Current BeamlinesThe primary objective <strong>of</strong> high current implanters is to deliver multi-mA beams inthe range from as low as sub-keV to as high as 180 keV. Recently, the maximumenergy requirement <strong>of</strong>ten has been relaxed to 60 keV. The increasingly lower lowenergyrequirements have driven the design <strong>of</strong> high current beamlines to berelatively short <strong>and</strong> to have large cross-sections. Each <strong>of</strong> these attributes isfavorable for delivering the highest possible usable beam current to the wafer.The primary challenges to delivering high beam currents at lower energiescenter around the effects <strong>of</strong> space charge forces on these beams. <strong>Ion</strong>s in an ionbeam experience a repulsive force exerted by neighboring ions, causing the beamto exp<strong>and</strong> in size as it propagates through the beamline. This beam size expansiontypically becomes worse as the beam current or ion mass is increased, or as theenergy <strong>of</strong> the beam is decreased (as a result <strong>of</strong> a lower energy beam moving moreslowly, thereby allowing more time for the expansion forces to act on the beam).Beam size expansion due to space charge is a problem primarily due to the loss <strong>of</strong>ion current (<strong>and</strong> hence productivity) whenever the beam passes through anaperture in the beamline which is smaller than the beam. Beam size expansion canalso affect angle control, depending on the design <strong>of</strong> the endstation <strong>and</strong>/or thebeam scanning mechanism, as discussed in Sect. 15.5.2.Most common high current beamlines are optically simple, consisting <strong>of</strong> onlyan ion source, an analyzer magnet with focusing elements, <strong>and</strong> a resolvingaperture. This allows the beam to travel through the entire beamline without anyexternally imposed electrostatic fields present (see Fig. 15.1). This mode <strong>of</strong>operation is called drift mode since the ions are given their final energy via the ionsource <strong>and</strong> extraction optics alone <strong>and</strong> are left to drift through the remainder <strong>of</strong> thebeamline at that energy.The analyzer magnet in high current tools typically bends the beam through~90° with a radius <strong>of</strong> ~300 mm. The total beamline length is in the 1.0–1.5 mrange, consisting <strong>of</strong> 200–300 mm from the ion source to the entrance <strong>of</strong> theanalyzer magnet, 200–300 mm from the exit <strong>of</strong> the analyzer magnet to theresolving aperture, <strong>and</strong> 400–700 mm from the resolving aperture to the wafer.Emerging from the ion source <strong>and</strong> extraction optics, the beam is approximately50 mm tall <strong>and</strong> converging slightly in the nondispersive plane <strong>and</strong> it isapproximately 5 mm wide <strong>and</strong> diverging in the dispersive plane. In the dispersiveplane, the beam is focused by the analyzer magnet to a waist at the resolvingaperture. The beam size passing through the resolving aperture is approximately5–25 mm, depending

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