Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium


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Appendix BPhysical constants, conversions, <strong>and</strong> usefulcombinationsphysical constantsacceleration due to gravityatomic mass unitAvogadro’s constantBoltzmann’s constantCoulomb’s constantelectron masselementary chargepermittivity (free space)Planck’s constantspeed <strong>of</strong> lightg = 98 dyne g −1 = 9.81 m s −2u = 1.6606 × 10 −27 kgN A = 6.022 × 10 23 particles mol −1k = 8.617 × 10 −5 eV K −1= 1.38 × 10 −23 J K −1k c = 8.988 × 10 9 N m 2 C −2m e = 9.1095 × 10 −31 kgE = 1.602 × 10 −19 Cε 0 = 8.85 × 10 −14 F cm −1h = 4.136 × 10 −15 eV s= 6.626 × 10 −34 J sc = 2.998 × 10 10 cm s −1useful combinationsCoulomb’s constantk c e 2 = 1.44 eV nmpermittivity (free space) ε 0 = 55.3 e/V µmpermittivity (Si)ε = ε r ε 0 = 1.05 × 10 −12 F cm −1photon energy E = 1.24 eV at λ = 1 µmthermal energy (300 K)kT = 0.0258 eV ≅ 1 eV/40Prefixesk = kilo = 10 3 ; M = mega = 10 6 ; G = giga = 10 9 ; T = tera = 10 12 ; m = milli= 10 −3 ; µ = micro = 10 −6 ; n = nano = 10 −9 ; p = pica = 10 −12symbols for unitsampère (A) coulomb (C); farad (F); gram (g); joule (J); kelvin (K); meter (m); newton (N);ohm (Ω); pascal (Pa); second (s); siemen (S); tesla (T); volt (V); watt (W); weber (Wb)

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