Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium


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5.5 Electronic Stopping 575.5.1 High-Energy Electronic Energy-LossIn this section we will consider the case where the ion velocity is greater than2/3v0Z1. At higher velocities, the charge state <strong>of</strong> the ion increases <strong>and</strong> ulti-2/3mately becomes fully stripped <strong>of</strong> all its electrons at v≥v0Z1. At this point, theion can be viewed as a positive point charge Z 1 , moving with a velocity greaterthan the mean orbital velocity <strong>of</strong> the atomic electrons in the shells or subshells <strong>of</strong>the target-atoms. When the projectile velocity v is much greater than that <strong>of</strong> an orbitalelectron (fast-collision case), the influence <strong>of</strong> the incident particle on an atommay be regarded as a sudden, small external perturbation. This picture leads toBohr’s theory <strong>of</strong> stopping power. The collision produces a sudden transfer <strong>of</strong> energyfrom the projectile to the target electron. The energy-loss from a fast particleto a stationary nucleus or electron can be calculated from scattering in a centralforce field. The stopping cross-section decreases with increasing velocity becausethe particle spends less time in the vicinity <strong>of</strong> the atom. For this condition, the ionis a bare nuclei, <strong>and</strong> its interactions with target electrons can be accurately describedby a pure Coulomb interaction potential.In 1913, Bohr derived an expression for the rate <strong>of</strong> energy-loss <strong>of</strong> a chargedparticle on the basis <strong>of</strong> classical considerations. He considered a heavy particle,such as an α particle or a proton, <strong>of</strong> charge Z 1 e, mass M, <strong>and</strong> velocity v passing atarget-atom electron <strong>of</strong> mass m e at a distance b. As the heavy particle passes, theCoulomb force acting on the electron changes direction continuously. If the electronmoves negligibly during the passage <strong>of</strong> the heavy particle, then the impulseparallel to the path, the integral <strong>of</strong> F dt, is zero by symmetry, since, for each position<strong>of</strong> the incident particle in the −x direction, there is a corresponding position inthe +x direction, which makes an equal <strong>and</strong> opposite contribution to the x component<strong>of</strong> the momentum. However, throughout the passage, there is a force in the ydirection, <strong>and</strong> momentum ∆p is transferred to the electron. The energy-loss isgiven in Nastasi et al. (1996) ase2 41M1NZ2⎜edE2πZ e2mve− =⎟ln ,dx E m I⎛⎝⎞⎠2(5.15)with N given by the atomic density in the stopping medium.The average excitation energy, I, in electron-volts, for most elements is roughlyI ≅ 10 Z ,2(5.16)where Z 2 is the atomic number <strong>of</strong> the stopping atoms. The description <strong>of</strong> stoppingpower so far ignores the shell structure <strong>of</strong> the atoms <strong>and</strong> variations in electronbinding. Experimentally, these effects show up as small derivations (except for thevery light elements) from the approximation given by (5.16).

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