Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium


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7.8 Spikes 87where N is the atomic density <strong>of</strong> the target <strong>and</strong> σ (E) is the total collision crosssectiongiven by (4.18a). Setting P(E) = 1 <strong>and</strong> replacing dx with λ d , the averagepath length per collision, or the mean free path <strong>of</strong> a particle with energy E, isgiven byλd1= . N σ ( E )(7.12)Equation (7.12) can be used to calculate the mean spacing between defects for aprojectile <strong>of</strong> energy E.Brinkman (1956) has investigated the details <strong>of</strong> damage distribution in acascade as a function <strong>of</strong> λ d . He has suggested that as λ d approaches the atomicspacing <strong>of</strong> the target atoms, a highly damaged region is formed where everydisplaced atom is forced away from the ion or PKA path, producing a volume <strong>of</strong>material composed <strong>of</strong> a core <strong>of</strong> vacancies surrounded by a shell <strong>of</strong> interstitialatoms (see Fig. 7.5). This highly damaged volume <strong>of</strong> material is referred to as adisplacement spike. The displacement spike forms in a time equivalent to the timeit takes the ion or PKA with energy E to come to rest at the end <strong>of</strong> its range(Sigmund 1974).tE d E R( E)=∫≅0 vNS ( E) 1/2vn(7.13)where v = (2E/M) 1/2 is the ion velocity, S n (E) is the nuclear stopping cross-section,<strong>and</strong> R(E) is the total ion range. The simple form <strong>of</strong> (7.13) is the result <strong>of</strong> a powerlawapproximation for the power parameter m = 1/2. A simple linear estimate <strong>of</strong>the time, t, needed for a 100 keV Xe ion with mass, M = 131 amu to stop withrange R = 20 nm is 10 −13 s, <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong> a lattice vibration time.7.8.2 Thermal SpikeAs the formation <strong>of</strong> the displacement spike comes to an end, all the movingdisplaced atoms reach a point where they have insufficient energy to cause furtherdisplacement. Energy transfers will be at subthreshold levels. At this point theenergy will be shared between neighboring atoms <strong>and</strong> will be dissipated as latticevibrations or “heat.” After approximately 10 −12 s, a state <strong>of</strong> dynamic equilibriummay be obtained where the vibrational energy distribution begins to approximate aMaxwell–Boltzmann function. This period <strong>of</strong> lattice heating is know as thethermal spike phase <strong>of</strong> the collision cascade <strong>and</strong> may exist for several picosecondsbefore being quenched to ambient temperature. Once such a dynamic equilibriumis established, the concepts <strong>of</strong> local heating <strong>and</strong> temperature become reasonable.For a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution <strong>of</strong> energy, the temperature is related to the

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