Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium


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166 12 Surface Erosion During <strong>Implantation</strong>: SputteringY A (0), to values <strong>of</strong> N sA ( ∞)<strong>and</strong> Y sA ( ∞ ) , which occurs at times sufficient toachieve steady state.At the start <strong>of</strong> sputtering, t = 0, (12.13) takes the formbbA(0) A(0)A= r = rsbB(0) B(0)BY N NY N N(12.14)When steady state conditions have been achieved, conservation <strong>of</strong> mass requiresthat the ratio <strong>of</strong> partial yields equals the bulk concentration ratioYA( ∞ ) =Y ( ∞)BNNbAbB(12.15)For example, if there is preferential sputtering where r > 1, the sputtering yield <strong>of</strong>A is greater than that <strong>of</strong> B, <strong>and</strong> the surface will be enriched in B. This enrichmentproduces an increase in the sputtering yield <strong>of</strong> B (more B atoms) <strong>and</strong> a decreasein the sputtering yield <strong>of</strong> A (fewer A atoms). As the process continues withmacroscopic amounts (greater than 10 nm) <strong>of</strong> material removed, the increasedconcentration <strong>of</strong> B balances out the preferential sputtering <strong>of</strong> A. Therefore, atsteady state the surface concentration ratio will differ from that <strong>of</strong> the bulk ratiowhen r ≠ 1.sAsBbAbBN ( ∞ ) 1 N =N ( ∞)r N(12.16)That is, the surface composition will be rearranged so that the total sputteringyield gives the bulk composition despite differences in yields <strong>of</strong> the individualatom species.12.4.2 Composition ChangesAn example <strong>of</strong> the change in composition <strong>of</strong> a silicide layer is shown in Fig. 12.5for PtSi that was sputtered with 20 keV argon ions <strong>and</strong> then analyzed with2 MeV 4 He ions. The Rutherford backscattering spectrum shows an enrichment <strong>of</strong>the Pt concentration in the surface region. The ratio <strong>of</strong> Pt/Si increased from thevalue <strong>of</strong> unity associated with that <strong>of</strong> the bulk to a value near two in the surfaceregion. The increased concentration <strong>of</strong> Pt at the surface occurs because the partial

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