Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium

Ion Implantation and Synthesis of Materials - Studium


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192 13 <strong>Ion</strong>-Induced Atomic Intermixing at the Interface: <strong>Ion</strong> Beam MixingJohnson, W.L., Cheng, Y.-T., Van Rossum, M., Nicolet, M.-A.: When is thermodynamicsrelevant to ion-induced atomic rearrangements in metals? Nucl. Instrum. Meths. B7/8,657 (1985)Mayer, J.W., Lau, S.S.: <strong>Ion</strong> beam mixing. In: Poate, J.M., Foti, G., Jacobson, D.C. (eds.)Surface Modification <strong>and</strong> Alloying by Laser, <strong>Ion</strong>, <strong>and</strong> Electron Beams, p. 241. Plenum,New York (1983)Nastasi, M., Mayer, J.W.: <strong>Ion</strong> beam mixing in metallic <strong>and</strong> semiconductor materials. Mater.Sci. Rep. R12, 1 (1994)Problems13.1 The mean square diffusion distance x 2 for a r<strong>and</strong>om-walk diffusion2 2process is x = nr = 6Dt, where n is the number <strong>of</strong> jumps <strong>and</strong> r isthe jump distance. Assume that the cascade volume can be modeled by agas, then n = vt/r where v is the mean speed <strong>of</strong> the ions in thecascade. Assume that the energy deposited in the cascade is 1 eV atom −1<strong>and</strong> that the cascade lifetime is 10 −11 s(a) What is D in the cascade?(b) What is x ?13.2 Using the thermodynamic equations for mixing [(13.7) <strong>and</strong> (13.8)]<strong>and</strong> assuming a deposited energy F D (E) = 4 × 10 3 eV nm; atomicdensity N = 6 × 10 22 atoms cm −3 ; displacement energy E d = 25 eV; <strong>and</strong>∆H mix = 90 kJ g-atoms −1 ,(a) What is the cascade temperature for 4Dt/φ = 15 nm 4 <strong>and</strong> 〈r 2 〉 1/2 = 1<strong>and</strong> 5 nm?(b) What is the cascade temperature for 4Dt/φ = 30 nm 4 <strong>and</strong> 〈r 2 〉 1/2 = 1<strong>and</strong> 5 nm?13.3 Using (13.11), calculate the average alloy cohesive energy in eV atom −1assuming X A = X B = 0.5 for(a) Ni/Al (∆H mix = 12.2 kcal mol −1 )(b) Au/Ag (∆H mix = 0)(c) C Pt/Ti (∆H mix = 30 kcal mol −1 )13.4 Calculate the mixing rate [(13.10)] using the thermodynamic modelfor Ni/Al, Au/Ag, <strong>and</strong> Pt/Ti assuming a deposited energy <strong>of</strong>F D = 500 eV nm −1 .13.5 Calculate 〈r 2 〉 1/2 for a system with N = 6 × 10 22 atoms cm −3 underirradiation conditions where D irr t/φ is 0.5 nm 4 <strong>and</strong> F D is 2,000 eV nm.(a) If A is the sputtering species, the sputtering yield Y must be belowwhat value if the ratio <strong>of</strong> A/B is to exceed unity at steady state?

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