11.07.2015 Aufrufe

ARBEITSBERICHT - Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bund.de

ARBEITSBERICHT - Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bund.de

ARBEITSBERICHT - Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bund.de

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Literatur 299TSUPARI E, MONNI S, PIPATTI R (2005) Non-CO 2 greenhouse gas emissions from boilers and industrialprocesses. Otamedia Oy, Espoo: VTT, VTT RESEARCH NOTES 2321UMWELTBUNDESAMT (2011) Entwicklung <strong>de</strong>r spezifischen Kohlendioxid-Emissionen <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>utschenStrommix 1990-2009 und erste Schätzung 2010 im Vergleich zum Stromverbrauch [Grafik].Energiepolitik und Energiedaten, Umweltbun<strong>de</strong>samt, FG I 2.5. (Stand: März 2011) zu fin<strong>de</strong>n inUN (1987) Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development - "Our commonfuture". Note by the Secretary-General, Brundtland-Report A/42/427.UNEP (2007) Buildings and Climate Change - Status, Challenges and Opportunities. Paris: UNEPDivision of Technology, Industry and Economics, Sustainable Consumption and ProductionBranch, 87 p pWAGNER FG, PUETTMANN ME, JOHNSON LR (2009) Life-Cycle Inventory of Inland Northwest SoftwoodLumber Manufacturing. Module B. Moscow, USA: University of Idaho, 72 p, CORRIM: Phase IIFinal ReportWERNER F, ALTHAUS H-J, KÜNNIGER T, RICHTER K, JUNGBLUTH N (2007) Life Cycle Inventories of Wood as Fueland Construction Material. Dübendorf, Schweiz: Swiss Centre for Life Cycle Inventories, Finalreport ecoinvent data v2.0 No. 9WERNER F, RICHTER K (2007) Woo<strong>de</strong>n Building Products in Comparative LCA - A literature review[online]. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment:10 zu fin<strong>de</strong>n inWILSON JB (2008a) Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF): A Life-Cycle Inventory of Manufacturing Panelsfrom Resource through Product. Module G. Corvallis, USA: Oregon State University, 58 p,CORRIM: Phase II Final ReportWILSON JB (2008b) Particleboard: A Life-Cycle Inventory of Manufacturing Panels from Resourcethrough Product. Module F. Corvallis, USA: Oregon State University, 57 p, CORRIM: Phase IIFinal ReportWILSON JB (2010a) Life-Cycle Inventory of Formal<strong>de</strong>hy<strong>de</strong>-Based Resins Used in Wood Composites inTerms of Resources, Emissions, Energy and Carbon. Wood and Fiber Science 42(1):125-143WILSON JB (2010b) Life-Cycle Inventory of Particleboard in Terms of Resources, Emissions, Energy andCarbon. Wood and Fiber Science 42(1):90-106ZEPPENFELD G, GRÜNWALD D (2005) Klebstoffe in <strong>de</strong>r Holz- und Möbelindustrie. Leinfel<strong>de</strong>n-Echterdingen:DRW-Verlag Weinbrenner GmbH & Co. KG, 368 p, Auflage: 2., überarb. u. erw. A. (Juni 2005)ZIMMER B (2010) Ökobilanz Waldhackschnitzel. LWF aktuell 17(74):22-25

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