11.07.2015 Aufrufe

ARBEITSBERICHT - Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bund.de

ARBEITSBERICHT - Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bund.de

ARBEITSBERICHT - Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bund.de

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Review protocol for life cycle assessments according to ISO 14044 5Compliance with the methodologicalrequirements of ISO 14044 (according toClause 4)Compliance with thedocumentationrequirements of ISO14044 (according toClause 5)- data quality requirements; - √e) choice of impact categories and category indicators. - √a) General aspects:II. REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDANCE FOR THIRD-PARTY REPORTS (Clause 5.2)1) LCA commissioner, practitioner of LCA (internal or external); - √2) date of report; - √3) statement that the study has been conducted according to the requirements of this International Standard. - √b) Goal of the study:1) reasons for carrying out the study; - √2) its inten<strong>de</strong>d applications; - √3) the target audiences; - √4) statement as to whether the study intends to support comparative assertions inten<strong>de</strong>d to be disclosed to thepublic. - √c) Scope of the study:1) function, including - -i) statement of performance characteristics, and - √ii) any omission of additional functions in comparisons; - √2) functional unit, including - -i) consistency with goal and scope, √ √ii) <strong>de</strong>finition, √ √iii) result of performance measurement; - √ (Generische Produkte)3) system boundary, includingModulare Systemgrenze nach EN 15804; eswer<strong>de</strong>n betrachtet: Module A1-A3, Module C2-C4und Modul D; √i) omissions of life cycle stages, processes or data needs, Transporte zur Baustelle (A.4), Bauprozesse (A5), i.o.√Dr. F. Werner, Environment & Development, Zurich

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