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Chapter 6 Supply network design 161<br />

Summary answers to key questions<br />

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➤ Why should an organization take a total supply network perspective?<br />

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The main advantage is that it helps any operation to understand how it can compete effectively<br />

within the network. This is because a supply network approach requires operations managers<br />

to think about their suppliers and their customers as operations. It can also help to identify<br />

particularly significant links within the network and hence identify long-term strategic changes<br />

which will affect the operation.<br />

➤ What is involved in configuring a supply network?<br />

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There are two main issues involved in configuring the supply network. The first concerns the<br />

overall shape of the supply network. The second concerns the nature and extent of outsourcing<br />

or vertical integration.<br />

Changing the shape of the supply network may involve reducing the number of suppliers to the<br />

operation so as to develop closer relationships, any bypassing or disintermediating operations<br />

in the network.<br />

Outsourcing or vertical integration concerns the nature of the ownership of the operations within<br />

a supply network. The direction of vertical integration refers to whether an organization wants<br />

to own operations on its supply side or demand side (backwards or forwards integration). The<br />

extent of vertical integration relates to whether an organization wants to own a wide span of<br />

the stage in the supply network. The balance of vertical integration refers to whether operations<br />

can trade with only their vertically integrated partners or with any other organizations.<br />

➤ Where should an operation be located?<br />

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The stimuli which act on an organization during the location decision can be divided into<br />

supply-side and demand-side influences. Supply-side influences are the factors such as labour,<br />

land and utility costs which change as location changes. Demand-side influences include such<br />

things as the image of the location, its convenience for customers and the suitability of the site<br />

itself.<br />

➤ How much capacity should an operation plan to have?<br />

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The amount of capacity an organization will have depends on its view of current and future<br />

demand. It is when its view of future demand is different from current demand that this issue<br />

becomes important.<br />

When an organization has to cope with changing demand, a number of capacity decisions need<br />

to be taken. These include choosing the optimum capacity for each site, balancing the various<br />

capacity levels of the operation in the network, and timing the changes in the capacity of each<br />

part of the network.<br />

Important influences on these decisions include the concepts of economy and diseconomy<br />

of scale, supply flexibility if demand is different from that forecast, and the profitability and<br />

cash-flow implications of capacity timing changes.

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