2011 Official Rule Book - New England Pinto Horse Association

2011 Official Rule Book - New England Pinto Horse Association

2011 Official Rule Book - New England Pinto Horse Association


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section 3. The directors will serve a one (1) year term.<br />


section 1. The officers of this organization must:<br />

A. be in good standing with PtHA<br />

B. be in good standing with PtHAYO<br />

C. be at least 13 years old by January 1 of the election year<br />

D. be elected as a PtHAYO director prior to officer elections<br />

section 2. The term of office for all members of the Youth Organization<br />

Executive Board will be one (1) year.<br />

section 3. The Youth Organization Executive Board will consist of the<br />

President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.<br />

section 4. No office may be held by the same individual for more<br />

than two (2) consecutive years.<br />

aRTiClE Vi. MEETinGs<br />

Meetings of the membership, Youth Organization Executive Board,<br />

Youth Committees and all subsidiary organizations shall be conducted<br />

in accordance with Roberts <strong>Rule</strong>s of Order, Revised. A Youth General<br />

Membership meeting shall be held annually at the PtHA Annual Convention.<br />

The date, time and location will be determined by PtHA and notice for such<br />

meeting will be published in the official voice of the <strong>Association</strong> at least 30<br />

days prior to the date of this meeting.<br />

aRTiClE Vii. youTH CHaRTER CluBs<br />

Charters will be encouraged to form Youth clubs to promote the general<br />

interest of Youth and the <strong>Pinto</strong> <strong>Horse</strong>.<br />

aRTiClE Viii. aMEnDMEnTs To THE ConsTiTuTion<br />

This Constitution may be amended by submitting a proposal in writing to<br />

the Youth Executive Board, which will in turn be responsible for preparing a<br />

recommendation to the Youth Membership for action. It shall be submitted<br />

to the Youth membership for approval and will become effective upon an<br />

affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members voting.<br />

w15. youth organization Bylaws<br />

aRTiClE i. naME<br />

This organization shall be named The <strong>Pinto</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> <strong>Association</strong> of<br />

America Youth Organization. The official abbreviation shall be PtHAYO.<br />

This organization is subject to the directives and rules established by the<br />

<strong>Pinto</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> <strong>Association</strong> of America, Inc.<br />

aRTiClE ii. PuRPosE<br />

The purpose of this non-profit organization will be to promote and<br />

encourage the Youth members of the <strong>Pinto</strong> <strong>Horse</strong> <strong>Association</strong> of America<br />

on a state and national level, and to promote the general interest of Youth<br />

and the <strong>Pinto</strong> <strong>Horse</strong>.<br />

aRTiClE iii THE BusinEss oFFiCE<br />

Refer to Article VII of the PtHA Constitution<br />

aRTiClE iV. MEMBERsHiP<br />

Membership will consist of all those who are current Youth members<br />

of PtHA and 18 years of age or younger by January 1 of the current year.<br />

Dues must be paid for the current year to PtHA.<br />

aRTiClE V. MEETinGs<br />

section 1. The Order of Business for all meetings, including the Annual<br />

Youth General Membership meeting, shall be as follows:<br />

A. Call to order by the President<br />

B. Proof of notice of the meeting<br />

C. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting<br />

<strong>2011</strong> PtHA <strong>Rule</strong> <strong>Book</strong> 209<br />


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