28.02.2014 Aufrufe

Skript / lecture notes - Universität Paderborn

Skript / lecture notes - Universität Paderborn

Skript / lecture notes - Universität Paderborn


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Prof. Dr. Wolf Gero Schmidt<br />

<strong>Universität</strong> <strong>Paderborn</strong>, Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Physik<br />

Bem: Note: Insbesondere gilt In particular it holds<br />

∫<br />

Ĥ(t) = dr ˆψ + (r, t)Ĥ(r) ψ(r, ˆ t) (8.75)<br />

Bewegungsgleichung der Feldoperatoren Equation of motion<br />

̂= Heisenberg’sche Bewegungsgleichung Like any other operator, the field operator must<br />

satisfy the Heisenberg equation of motion<br />

∂ ˆψ(r, t)<br />

]<br />

=<br />

[Ĥ, ˆψ(r, t)<br />

i ∂t<br />

− ˆψ(r,t) ˆψ(r ′ ,t)<br />

(8.76)<br />

∫<br />

{ }} {<br />

= dr ′ [ ˆψ + (r ′ , t)Ĥ(r′ ) ˆψ(r ′ , t) ˆψ(r, t) − ˆψ(r, t) ˆψ + (r ′ , t)Ĥ(r′ )ψ(r ′ , t)] (8.77)<br />

∫<br />

= − dr ′ [ ˆψ + (r ′ , t)Ĥ(r′ ) ˆψ(r, t) ˆψ(r ′ , t) + ˆψ(r, t)ψ + (r ′ , t)Ĥ(r′ )ψ(r ′ , t)] (8.78)<br />

∫<br />

= − dr ′ [ ˆψ + (r ′ , t) ˆψ(r, t) + ˆψ(r, t) ˆψ + (r ′ , t)<br />

} {{ }<br />

)ψ(r, t) (8.79)<br />

δ(r−r ′ )<br />

= − Ĥ(r) ˆψ(r, t) (8.80)<br />

⇒ i ∂ ∂t ˆψ(r, t) = Ĥ(r) ˆψ(r, t) (8.81)<br />

D.h. Feldoperator genügt der Schrödingergleichung, erinnert damit an Schrödingerwellenfunktion,<br />

aber ist ein Operator, der im Bild des Besetzungszahlenformalismus wirkt.<br />

Großer Vorteil im Vergleich zur “gewöhnlichen” Wellenfunktionen ist, daß die Statistik<br />

des Systems über die Kommutatorbeziehungen bereits im Feldoperator korrekt enthalten<br />

ist. Hier Fermionenstatistik, aber für Bosonen läßt sich der Formalismus ähnlich<br />

darstellen. Thus, the field operator satisfies Schrödinger’s equation but acts upon the<br />

occupation number representation. This is obviously an important development. Let us<br />

consider the implications further. Since the vacuum state is an arbitrary framework and<br />

is not used explicitly, it means that all of the spatial and time dependence of the system<br />

now resides in the field operator whose equation of motion is the Schrödinger equation.<br />

In fact, we have come full circle, in a sense, because the field operator in many respects<br />

appears to be the Schrödinger wave function interpreted as an operator. The fact that it<br />

is an operator which acts in the occupation number representation is, however, of vital<br />

importance. The Schrödinger wave functions do not, for instance, include the statistics<br />

of the system inherent in the cummutator relations. Furthermore, from the form of the<br />

field operator, its action upon a system is to add or to subtract a particle to it. In case<br />

of interacting systems this is important because by studying how the system reacts to<br />

that extra particle a great deal may be learned about it.<br />


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