preface to fifteenth edition

preface to fifteenth edition

preface to fifteenth edition


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TABLE 3.2<br />

Physical Constants of Inorganic Compounds (Continued)<br />

Name Formula Formula weight Density<br />

Melting point,<br />

C<br />

Boiling point,<br />

C<br />

Solubility in<br />

100 parts solvent<br />

3.14<br />

Aluminum (continued)<br />

potassium bis(sulfate) AlK(SO 4 ) 2 · 12H 2 O 474.39 1.757 20 9H 2 O, 92 anhyd, 200 11.4 g/100 mL aq; v s glyc; i alc<br />

12-water<br />

propoxide Al(C 3 H 7 O) 3 204.25 1.0578 20<br />

0 106 248 14mm daq;salc<br />

selenide Al 2 Se 3 290.84 3.437 20<br />

4 947 d aq, acid<br />

silicon oxide (1/1)Al 2 O 3 · SiO 2 162.05 3.247 i aq; d HF; s fused alkali<br />

sodium bis(sulfate) AlNa(SO 4 ) 2 · 12H 2 O 458.28 1.675 20 61 110 g/100 mL 15 aq; i alc<br />

12-water<br />

stearate Al(C 18 H 35 O 2 ) 3 877.41 1.070 117–120 i aq, alc; s bz, alk<br />

sulfate Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 342.15 1.61 770 d 36.4 g/100 mL 20 aq; sl s alc<br />

sulfate 18-water Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 · 18H 2 O 666.46 1.69 17 d 86.5 87 g/100 mL 0 aq; i alc<br />

sulfide Al 2 S 3 150.16 2.20 13 1097 subl 1500 hyd aq; s acid<br />

tetrahydridoborate Al(BH 4 ) 3 71.53 64.5 44.5 d aq; ign air; expl in O 2 ,20<br />

Americium Am 243 12 1176 2011 s a<br />

Ammonia NH 3 17.03 lq: 0.6818 at bp<br />

g: 0.6175 15, 7.2atm 77.75 33.35 g/100 mL: 34 aq; 13.2 alc; s eth,<br />

organic solvents<br />

Ammonium acetate NH 4 C 2 H 3 O 2 77.08 1.17 20 114 d g/100 mL: 148 4 aq, 7.9 15 MeOH; s<br />

alc<br />

amidosulfate NH 4 SO 3 NH 2 114.13 131 d 160 v s aq; sl s alc<br />

benzoate NH 4 C 6 H 5 O 2 139.15 1.260 198 subl 160 g/100 mL: 20 15 aq, 2.8 alc; s glyc<br />

bromide NH 4 Br 97.94 2.429 452 (subl under d 397 vacuo 76 g/100 mL 20 aq; v s acet, alc, eth<br />

pressure)<br />

calcium arsenate 6-water NH 4 CaAsO 4 ·6H 2 O 305.13 1.905 15 d 140 0.02 aq; s NH 4 Cl<br />

carbamate NH 4 COONH 2 78.07 subl 60 v s aq; sl s alc; i eth<br />

carbonate 1-water (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 ·H 2 O 114.10 volatilizes 60 v s aq; i alc<br />

chloride NH 4 Cl 53.49 1.5274 25 237.8 520 g/100 mL: 26 15 aq, 0.6 19 abs alc; i<br />

acet, eth<br />

chromate(VI)(NH 4 ) 2 CrO 4 152.07 1.91 12 d 185 34 g/100 mL 20 aq; sl s MeOH<br />

chromium(III)bissulfate NH 4 Cr(SO 4 ) 2 · 12H 2 O 478.34 1.72 94 d 7.2 g/100 mL 0 aq<br />

12-water<br />

copper(II)tetrachloride<br />

2-water<br />

(NH 4 ) 2 CuCl 4 ·2H 2 O 277.46 1.993 anhyd, 110 d 120 40.3 g/100 mL 20 aq; s alc

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