The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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Modifying Influence <strong>of</strong> a Pesticide Dump on Plants andAnimals <strong>of</strong> Wood, Meadow, Pond and Lake EcosystemsKrystyna A. Skibniewska, Jozef Szarek, Janusz Guziur, MiroslawGrzybowski, Katarzyna Sawicka-Kapusta, Marta ZakrzewskaABSTRACTA team <strong>of</strong> specialists from various specializations studied in 2001-2009 influence <strong>of</strong>a pesticide dump on plants and animals living on a territory <strong>of</strong> a buriedorganochlorine pesticide wastes and its neighborhood. <strong>The</strong> dump in a form <strong>of</strong> 32concrete wells and two unsecured pits was located in a sandy hill. Due to low lightsoils potential <strong>of</strong> accumulation, low levels <strong>of</strong> the contaminants(dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, lead and cadmium) were determined in soils,sediments and plants. <strong>The</strong>re were well-marked differences <strong>of</strong> contaminantsconcentrations in tissues <strong>of</strong> animals living close to the dump, in comparison to thoseliving at greater distances, anyway, the levels did not exceeded the Polish maximumlimits for food <strong>of</strong> animal origin. Influence <strong>of</strong> the hazardous substances was clearlyrevealed in the change <strong>of</strong> phytosociological relations <strong>of</strong> the wood and the lake nearthe source <strong>of</strong> contamination. Pathomorphological analysis <strong>of</strong> organs and cells <strong>of</strong>mice and carps confirmed statistically more morphological lesions in rodents livingin the area <strong>of</strong> the pesticide dump and in carps bred in the pond nearby the tomb. <strong>The</strong>results <strong>of</strong> the research can serve as a methodology for searching for lost hazardoussubstances dumps in the environment.INTRODUCTIONAll over the world, the 20 th century left behind numerous improperly-secureddumping sites <strong>of</strong> plant protection chemicals past their expiry date and otherhazardous substances, which are slowly being released to the environment, posing athreat to human health. A significant part <strong>of</strong> the deposits contained organochlorinecompounds (OCls). Even 50 years ago, DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) wascommonly applied throughout the world. Apart from helping farmers, it preventedmillions <strong>of</strong> deaths by mass control <strong>of</strong> insects transmitting dangerous diseases suchas malaria, plague, typhus fever or dysentery. Initially, it seemed safe, since it didnot cause any visible symptoms <strong>of</strong> poisoning. Over time, it was realized that thiscompound decomposed in the environment only to a low degree and it accumulatedin the fat <strong>of</strong> living organisms and when their weight declined rapidly it causedpoisoning (Jandacek and Tso, 2001). Even at low concentrations in livingorganisms, it induces carcinogenic processes (Ennaceur et al., 2008), acts as anendocrine disrupter, causes disorders <strong>of</strong> the reproductive process (Ben Rhouma etal., 2001) and leads to diseases, e.g. osteoporosis or nervous system disorders (vanWendel de Joode et al., 2001).In the 1960s and 1970s, many countries introduced a ban on the application <strong>of</strong>DDT-based preparations. In Poland, they were allowed to be used until 1974. <strong>The</strong>remaining, unused reserves were to be deposited in a manner specified forhazardous waste. <strong>The</strong> most reasonable and safest way, so it seemed, was to depositthose substances underground. Thus, many so-called pesticide dumps were created;concrete bunkers or wells made <strong>of</strong> rings, <strong>of</strong>ten leaky, sometimes located in the<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>155

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