The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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<strong>The</strong> Booted eagle is a trans-Saharan migratory species. Little is known for thisspecies about the routes used during migration to Africa. <strong>The</strong> satellite tracking <strong>of</strong>three female adults from a French and Spanish population showed that the winteringareas used by these individuals extended to Niger, Mali, Burquina Faso and Senegal(Chevallier et al., 2010; Díaz, 2006). However, in the studies on Booted eaglesringed in Spain and recovered between 15 November and 14 February, only fiveindividuals were recovered in African countries (Morocco, Togo, Mali, Algeria, andNigeria) and the rest birds wintered in Spain (García-Dios, 2004). This fact,supports the idea suggested by Martínez and Sánchez-Zapata (1999) and Sunyer andViñuela (1996) <strong>of</strong> a positive tendency <strong>of</strong> wintering in Mediterranean areas instead <strong>of</strong>migrating to Africa. In a previous study on these species in Southeastern <strong>of</strong> Spain,we concluded that the eggs <strong>of</strong> Booted eagle were contaminated with OCs inconcentrations lower than those associated with adverse effects. However, the 15%<strong>of</strong> the Booted eagle eggs examined in that study contained DDE residues that wouldbe expected to cause significant (15%) eggshell thinning (Martínez-López et al.,2007).<strong>The</strong> study area (Murcia Region) has one <strong>of</strong> the highest sales rates <strong>of</strong> pesticides inSpain (10.14% <strong>of</strong> the nation-wide total) (AEPLA, 2010). During the period <strong>of</strong> timestudied in this work, the use <strong>of</strong> DDT was permitted in the manufacture <strong>of</strong>insecticides commonly used in Spain such as dic<strong>of</strong>ol. In that period, there were 62products registered in Spain which contained dic<strong>of</strong>ol (MARM, 2005).<strong>The</strong> aim <strong>of</strong> this study was to analyze DDT and its metabolites in the blood <strong>of</strong>Booted eagle nestlings in order to evaluate the exposure to these compounds and tocheck the possible influence <strong>of</strong> the migratory process on these concentrations.MATERIAL AND METHODSTo carry out the sampling it was necessary to obtain permits from the AutonomousRegional Government <strong>of</strong> Murcia.Species<strong>The</strong> Booted eagle (Aquila pennata) is a trans-Saharan medium-sized raptor species,which usually nests in trees and, more rarely on cliffs (del Hoyo et al., 1994).Although it is a common species <strong>of</strong> the forests and woodland areas <strong>of</strong> the IberianPeninsula, several authors have shown that Booted eagle selects areas with amixture <strong>of</strong> woodlands and open lands, suggesting the importance <strong>of</strong> extensive cropsadjacent to the nesting woodland patches as foraging habitats for the species(Sánchez-Zapata and Calvo, 1999; Suárez et al., 2000). In terms <strong>of</strong> its conservation,one <strong>of</strong> the threats highlighted for this species is the potential accumulation <strong>of</strong>organochloride pesticides, possibly affecting reproductive success, as has beendescribed for other migratory species (Muñoz and Blas, 2003).<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>323

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