The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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eference value for that substance. <strong>The</strong> exposure quantifies the contact dose betweenthe hazardous substance and a human target considering the routes, scenarios andtimes <strong>of</strong> exposure (USEPA, 1992). <strong>The</strong> effect estimation to human health wasperformed by applying a probabilistic risk analysis by the exposure to the hazardoussubstance in the water during recreational bathing (Peluso et al., 2011b). <strong>The</strong> riskwas quantified for a 10-year-old child as a human target, considering two possibleroutes <strong>of</strong> exposure: accidental water intake and dermal contact.In both cases USEPA models were used (1992; 2007), applying Eq. 2 and 3,respectively.ADDI [ Conc * Ir * EF * ED]/[Bw * AT ](2)ADDS [ DAevent * ESA * EF * ED * FC ]/[ Bw * AT ](3)WhereADDI = Average daily dose by accidental intake (mg kg -1 day -1 )ADDS = Average daily dose by skin contact (mg kg -1 day -1 )Conc = Concentration <strong>of</strong> the hazardous substance in water (mg L -1 )Ir = Daily water intake rate (L day -1 )EF = Exposure frequency (day year -1 )ED = Exposure duration (year)BW = Weight <strong>of</strong> the exposed human (kg)AT = Correction factors <strong>of</strong> average time for chronic exposure (ED * 365 days fornon cancer risk estimation, 70 years * 365 days for cancer risk estimation)DAevent = Absorbed dose per event (mg cm -2 event -1 );ESA = Exposed Skin Area (cm 2 )FC = Correction factor <strong>of</strong> surface and volume units (10000 cm 2 m -2 * 0.001 L cm -3 )Both the carcinogenic and the non carcinogenic effects were considered, so that bothtypes <strong>of</strong> risk were calculated. <strong>The</strong> non carcinogenic risk (NCR) calculation wasperformed based on the ratio between ADD and the chemical specific non cancertoxicological safe dose (RfD) for the route <strong>of</strong> exposure (USEPA, 1989). If the riskscores are less than 1.0, the NCR is assumed to be negligible (USEPA, 1989). <strong>The</strong>cancer risk (CR) (incremental lifetime cancer risk) was calculated multiplying ADDby the chemical specific cancer toxicological reference value, the Slope Factor (SF),also particular for each exposure pathway (USEPA, 1989). In the ADD for thecancer risk estimation, AT adopts 70 years as lifetime duration as stated by USEPA(1989).<strong>The</strong> aggregated health risks (risk caused by the simultaneous exposure throughdifferent routes <strong>of</strong> contact to the same hazardous substance), were calculated usingan additive model (Risk Index) (USEPA, 1989; 2007).<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>244

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