The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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concentrated in a Kuderna Danish to 5 ml volume and a second purification on acolumn <strong>of</strong> florisil with 5% water (particle size 0.063±0.2 mm; Merck, Darmstadt,Germany) was performed. <strong>The</strong> organ chlorines were eluted with 15 ml <strong>of</strong> a mixture<strong>of</strong> hexane/dichloromethane (5/1), (v/v). <strong>The</strong> extract was concentrated andtransferred to hexane (Spectroscopy grade; Fluka, Germany), and analyzed by GC-ECD (Barcelo, 1991; Schantz et al., 1993).Procedural blanks were regularly performed and all results presented are correctedfor blank levels. All glassware was rigorously cleaned with detergent followed bypyrolysis at 250°C. <strong>The</strong> sodium sulfate, florisil and silica gel were pre-extractedwith hexane/dichloromethane (4/1) in a Soxhlet extractor, dried in 250°C for 12hours and were rinsed with hexane/dichloromethane (4/1) just before utilization.Apparatus and chromatographyGas chromatographic analyses were performed with an HP 6890 Series II gaschromatograph equipped with a 63 Ni micro-electron capture detector and asplit/splitless injector. <strong>The</strong> column used was a HP-5 [low/mid polarity, 5% (phenylmethyl siloxane)] (25 m x 0.33 mm I.D., 0.25µm film). <strong>The</strong> split/splitless injectorand detector temperatures were set at 280 0 C and 320 0 C, respectively. Carrier gaswas He at 1 ml/min and make-up gas was nitrogen with 25 ml/min. <strong>The</strong> initial oventemperature was kept at 60 0 C for 4min, which was increased, to 200 0 C at 20 0 C/min,held for 7 min, and then increased to 280 0 C with 4 0 C min. <strong>The</strong> temperature wasfinally increased to 300 0 C, at 10 0 C/min, held for 7min. Injection volume was 2μl,when splitless injections were made. OCP quantification was performed by internalstandard method. PCB 29 was used as internal standard. <strong>The</strong> followingorganchlorinated pesticides: Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), Dieldrin, Endrin, alfa-,beta-, delta- and gama-isomer (Lindane) <strong>of</strong> Hexachlorocyclohexane, Heptachlor,Heptachlor epoxide, DDT-related chemicals (o,p-DDE, p,p-DDE, p,p-DDD, p,p-DDT), Methoxychlor and Mirex were detected.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONMussel Mytilus Galloprovincialis were used for evaluate the levels <strong>of</strong>organochlorinated pesticides in marine waters <strong>of</strong> Adriatic Sea. This station isconsidered a “hot-spot” area for organic pollutants in Albania. For all investigatedyears were detected the presence <strong>of</strong> organochlorinated pesticide residues in musselsamples indicates the occurrence <strong>of</strong> these contaminants in our coast. <strong>The</strong>y are not inuse in our country since 90’. Were expected that levels for this class <strong>of</strong> organicpollutants to be a regressive linear function. <strong>The</strong> levels must be in this directionbecause <strong>of</strong> their degradation process. <strong>The</strong> old industries such as Lindane chemicalplant in Porto-Romano, Durres represent the major polluting factor for this area.Mismanagement <strong>of</strong> pesticides and other possible sources <strong>of</strong> contamination such asagricultural contribution, water-based contribution, atmospheric factor, etc.Total <strong>of</strong> organochlorinated pesticides for years 2002-2008 was shown in Figure 1.Maximum <strong>of</strong> OCPs was for mussel samples for year 2007 with 611.3 ng/g fresh<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>229

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