The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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ecently explored on preliminary studies in vitro using trypsinized squamous cellcarcinoma, since they inhibit cellular metabolism including energy, protein, andnucleic acid metabolism, thereby, causing cell regression and death (Amanullah andHari, 2011).Three classes <strong>of</strong> carbamate compounds are known: i) the ester derivatives; ii) thosewith the general structure R 1 NHC(O)OR 2 , in which R1 and R2 are aromatic and/oraliphatic moieties, and iii) those containing a benzimidazole group (IPCS, 1986).In this chapter, the more relevant contributions, <strong>of</strong> the last ten years, to the currentknowledge on several aspects regarding carbamate pesticides, such as mode <strong>of</strong>action, effects on human health, legislation, monitoring, human exposure tocarbamate residues, risk and exposure assessment will be discussed.MODE OF ACTION AND TOXICOLOGY<strong>The</strong> mechanism <strong>of</strong> carbamates poisoning, except herbicidal carbamates, involvescarbamylating <strong>of</strong> the active site <strong>of</strong> acetylcholinesterase leading to the inactivation <strong>of</strong>this essential enzyme which has an important role in nervous system <strong>of</strong> humans, andother animal species (Ecobichon, 2001). Carbamate compounds are <strong>of</strong>ten calledanticholinesterases. In the presence <strong>of</strong> inhibitors, acetylcholinesterase becomesprogressively inhibited and is not further capable <strong>of</strong> hydrolyzing acetylcholine tocholine and acetic acid (Jokanovic, 2009; Jokanovic and Maksimovic, 1997).Consequently, acetylcholine accumulates at cholinergic receptor sites and produceseffects equivalent to excessive stimulation <strong>of</strong> cholinergic receptors throughout thecentral and peripheral nervous system. Inhibited enzyme can be spontaneouslyreactivated, with reversal <strong>of</strong> inhibition occurring typically with half-time <strong>of</strong> an houror less after exposure (Jokanovic, 2009). This fact may reduce the possible period <strong>of</strong>intoxication in situations <strong>of</strong> accidental overexposure or suicide attempts. <strong>The</strong>inhibition <strong>of</strong> other esterases may also occur (Thompson, 1999).Herbicidal carbamates (such as carbetamide) which are a limited number <strong>of</strong>compounds are not inhibitors <strong>of</strong> cholinesterase and are cell division inhibitors(Tomlin, 1997). Plants can metabolize carbamates in which arylhydroxylation andconjugation, or hydrolytic breakdown are the main routes <strong>of</strong> detoxification. <strong>The</strong>results <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> studies suggest that carbamates are exclusively distributed viathe apoplastic system in plants (IPCS, 1986).<strong>The</strong> acute toxicity <strong>of</strong> the different carbamates ranges from highly toxic to onlyslightly toxic or practically non-toxic (IPCS, 1986). Concerning the main carbamateinsecticides in use, their relative toxic potency estimated human values, (Erdman,2003) vary from high toxicity (LD 50 200 mg/kg; fenocarb, carbaryl, isoprocarb, MPMC(Meobal), MTMC (Metacrate, Tsumacide), XMC (Cosban)).<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>22

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