The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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Table 4. Concentrations <strong>of</strong> DDT and its metabolites (ng g -1 dw) in soil samples fromHanoi23.42 –Location p,p’-DDE p,p’-DDD p,p’-DDT ΣDDTA. Agricultural areasSocSon 1 48.85 –17.75 – 94.25 – 163.75(67.93) (c) (32.68) (22.73)(a)93.16 45.75 24.42 (123.33)DongAnh132.86 –49.78(41.06)15.43 –25.87(21.09)13.7 – 23.49(18.24)62.27 – 97.66(80.39)GiaLam 1 35.58 –47.92(42.23)Hanoicentre 114.19 –28.17(22.36)TuLiem 1 29.94 –83.75(46.56)ThanhTri 1 N.D (d) –97.54(48.83)B. Industrial and urban areasSocSon 2(b)N.D – 36.82(24.53)N.D – 19.43(7.59)DongAnh2GiaLam 2 N.D – 35.19(13.63)Hanoi N.D – 13.68centre 2 (5.04)TuLiem 2 14.84 –19.48(17.23)ThanhTri 2 N.D – 13.44(8.83)16.38 –21.44(19.75)8.12 – 13.15(11.46)15.74 –45.29(23.83)N.D – 49.36(21.98)N.D – 17.88(11.68)N.D – 9.82(3.89)N.D – 16.83(6.18)N.D – 5.92(1.99)5.88 – 8.59(7.46)N.D – 4.92(3.23)15.47 –18.98(17.53)0.06 – 5.38(3.53)12.83 –40.96(21.43)N.D – 24.93(12.26)N.D – 13.93(7.65)N.D – 9.18(3.43)N.D – 15.45(5.43)N.D – 5.16(1.75)5.62 – 7.72(6.85)N.D – 4.39(2.93)67.43 – 88.34(79.47)22.36 – 46.44(37.35)58.34 – 168.27(91.83)N.D – 171.83(81.06)N.D – 67.82(43.85)N.D – 38.24(19.93)N.D – 67.47(25.23)N.D – 24.76(8.79)26.34 – 35.18(31.53)N.D – 22.57(14.95)(a)SocSon 1: agricultural areas <strong>of</strong> SocSon; (b) SocSon 2: industrial and urban areas <strong>of</strong>SocSon. It is similar with DongAnh, GiaLam, Hanoi centre, Tu Liem and ThanhTri;(c) min – max (mean) value. (d) N.D: not detected.ΣDDT was detected in relatively high concentrations in Hanoi agricultural areas.<strong>The</strong> ΣDDT concentrations ranged from N.D to 171.83 ng g -1 . <strong>The</strong> mean ΣDDTconcentration (89.86 ± 47.17 ng g -1 ) was a little lower than the maximal allowable<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>301

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