The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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With their wide range <strong>of</strong> advantageous properties, nanomaterials have beenextensively used as potent immobilization matrices for AChE. <strong>The</strong> variousnanomaterials matrices used in AChE biosensors, the linear range, and the detectionlimit values obtained using various electroanalytical techniques have been presentedin Table 1. From Table 1, it was obvious that nanomaterials based AChE sensors aresuitable for OP pesticides determination in wide linear range with the detectionlimits in nM to pM range.Table 1 Acetylcholinesterase inhibition based biosensors using nanomaterialmodified electrodesElectrodeAChE/PANI/MWNT/GCSPCE│CNTs/ZrO2/PB/Nf│GMP-AChEAChE-MWCNTs/AuNPschitosan/GCIL–MWCNTgel/CPEAChE-AN-MWNTs/GCEDetectedAgentCarbarylDimethoateMonocrotophosChlorpyrifosMethodAppliedSWVamperometryLinearity Range LOD Ref.9.9×10 -9 -49.6 ×10 -9 M9.9×10 -6 -49.6 ×10 -6 MDPV 1.0 × 10 -3 –10ng·mL-1FFTCCV 0.1×10 -6 - 10×10 -6 MAmperometryDichlorvos 50 ngL -1 -1μgL -1MWNTs–chitosan triazophos AmperometryAchE-SAM-AuAu/ssDNA–SWCNT/PANI/AChECNTs-AChEAu–PtNPs/3-APTES/GCAChE/MWCNT/SPEZrO 2 NPs/AuParathionCarbarylmethylparathionchlorpyrifosChlorphenvinphosParaoxonethylSarinaldicarbParaoxonPhosphorylatedAChEadductsAmperometrySWV4.6 × 10 -9 M1.4 ×10 -6 M5.6 × 10 -4 ngmL -1(Cesarino et al,2010)(Gan etal,2010)10 ×10 -9 M (Norouzi et al,2010)10 −8 –10 −6 M 4×10 -9 M (Zamfirb et al,2011)mgL -l 2011)10ngL -1 (Sun et& 50 μgL -1 -5al,0.03 - 7.8 ×10 -6&7.8 - 32×10 -6 M0.01 ×10 -6 (Du etal,2007)- - (Pedrosa et al,2008)1.0×10 −11 &1.0×10 −6 MSWV 4.9×10 −7 -7.46×10 −6 M1×10 −12 M (Viswanathan etal,2009)1.15 × 10 −7 M (Oliveira andMascaro, 2011)(UpadhM, 4–5 ×10 -10 yay etM 4–6 ×10 -7 al,M2009)CV - 1.5–2 ×10 -11AmperometryStripingvoltammetry- 0.5 ×10 -9 M (Joshi etal,2005)10 x 10 -12 -4 x10 -9 M8.0 x 10 -12 M (Liu etal,2008)<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>403

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