The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish

The Impact of Pesticides - Academy Publish


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Durresi, Tirana, Fieri, Lushnja, Vlora) but almost every were in the country hadbeen developed different directions <strong>of</strong> agricultural (fruits, corns, vegetables, etc.).<strong>The</strong> most used organochlorinated pesticides were DDT, Lindane, HCB, Aldrins andHeptachlors. For some decades until 1990, the former chemical plant in Porto-Romano, Durres produced sodium dichromate, for leather tanning, and pesticides,such as lindane (gamma-HCH) and thiram. Both productions processes have beenidle since that time and the plant’s buildings have been totally destroyed after 90’.When the plant was operating, it produced 6-10 tons <strong>of</strong> lindane per year. TechnicalHCH mixture is produced by the photochlorination <strong>of</strong> benzene. It contains 65-70%a-HCH; 7-10% b-HCH; 14-15% g-HCH (lindane); 7% d-HCH; 1-2% e-HCH and 1-2% <strong>of</strong> other chlororganic compounds, e.g., heptachlor. Lindane is separated byextraction with methanol. <strong>The</strong> mixture <strong>of</strong> the other HCH-isomers can be convertedby thermal treatment to useful byproducts like tri-chlorbenzene and hydrogenchloride. Industrial wastes <strong>of</strong> chemical plant were discharged for many yearsdirectly to the sea.<strong>The</strong> scale <strong>of</strong> pesticides use after 90’ in agriculture has decreased, due the change <strong>of</strong>soil structure. Emigration <strong>of</strong> many peoples in western country and free movementinside the country were two main factors that impact directly in agriculture areasand it’s developing. Use <strong>of</strong> pesticides generally has decreased, because <strong>of</strong> largeareas were not using for agricultural purposes and other areas were used for buildingnew houses and industries. Except this, many chemical industries, include LindanePlant, were stopped or destroyed. Unfortunately families have been living in thisarea <strong>of</strong> plant after destroying. New houses were building near this territory. <strong>The</strong>former has generated the expired pesticides, which due to the inappropriateconditions <strong>of</strong> conservation and storage have been damaged. <strong>The</strong> other part <strong>of</strong>expired or out <strong>of</strong> use pesticides, to be disposed <strong>of</strong>, has been distributed in variousdistricts <strong>of</strong> the country. Mismanagement <strong>of</strong> oddments pesticides, for some yearsafter 90’ was another source <strong>of</strong> pesticides contamination not only in area <strong>of</strong>chemical plant but in a diameter higher; include the waters <strong>of</strong> Adriatic Sea. Thisarea is considered a “hot-spot” <strong>of</strong> pollution in Albania. Different studies andanalyses showed extremely high levels <strong>of</strong> technical HCH mixtures in the area <strong>of</strong> theplant and in storage facilities located two kilometers away. Studies were conductedin this area in different samples (soil, water and milk). Levels <strong>of</strong> HCHs for soilsample in area <strong>of</strong> the former chemical plant in Porto-Romano were 8.79 mg/g. <strong>The</strong>sample also contained chlorinated benzenes. <strong>The</strong> HCH content in water sample was4 µg/l. Milk samples showed a HCH content <strong>of</strong> 12.86 µg /kg <strong>of</strong> HCHs.Study <strong>of</strong> pesticide residues in marine waters (Adraiatic Sea) located near exchemichalplant <strong>of</strong> Porto-Romano was carrying out using sentinel organisms. <strong>The</strong>mussel Mytilus Galloprovincialis were used because <strong>of</strong> their physiology andaccumulation processes are well known, have a large geographic distribution in theAdriatic Sea and easy to find (Colombo et al., 1995; Dame, 1996; Farrington et al.,1983). <strong>The</strong> direct measurements <strong>of</strong> chlorinated contaminants need sophisticated andcostly methods, with some difficulties for their application to the monitoring <strong>of</strong>Water Sea. Monitoring <strong>of</strong> organochlorinated pesticides were based on the ability <strong>of</strong>mussels to concentrate chemical contaminants in their tissues from filtering WaterSea. Mussels have been shown to concentrate many organic contaminants by a<strong>Academy</strong><strong>Publish</strong>.org - <strong>The</strong> <strong>Impact</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Pesticides</strong>227

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