Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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post-harvest residues and weight of the root mass in triticum secale is higher thanthis of pea on average with 121.4 and 311.4%.REFERENCES1. Atanassov I., S. Stefanov, G. Dimitrov, P. Gribachev. 1979. Exercise Guide of Soil Science.Zemizdat, Sofia.2. Velchev C., Gorbanov S. 1982. Guide for laboratory exercises in Agricultural Chemistry, ed. Hr.Danov D. ", Plovdiv.3.Kalaydzhieva, St.., Er. Petrakieva. 1963. Influence of fertilization with mineral fertilizers andsowing period on the quantity and quality of yield of winter fodder pea mixtures with barley andwheat. IF Pleven Izv., <strong>Volume</strong> 3,141-161.4. Kanonova M., Belchikova N.P. 1965. Methods of studying of organic substance mastered andcultivated почв. M.Kolos.4. Kostov, К., D.Pavlov 1999. Fodder production. VSI, Plovdiv, p.131-193.5. Kots, S., S.K.Beregovenko, E. V.Kirichenko, N.N.Melnikova. 2007. Features of interaction of plantsand nitrogen-fixing microorganisms. Kiev, Naukova dumka.6. Laktionov, N.I. 1985. Methodical instructions for soil humus conditions characteristic in theiragricultural use. Kharkov.7. Mishustin, E. N. 1972. Microorganisms and efficiency of agriculture. Moscow, Nauka.8. Sabelnikova, V.K. 1974. Tuber bacteria in Moldova soils. Kishinev.9. Shilnikova, V.K. 1968. Anatomy and regularities of tuber bacteria development in symbiosis withthe plant and in conditions of an artificial nutrient environment. Autoref. Abstract of Master’s thesis.Moscow.10. Totev, T., P. Gribachev, Chr. Nechev, N. Artinova. 1987. Exercise Guide for Soil Science.Zemizdat, Sofia.102

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