Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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drained soils with pH~7 is close to 10. It includes the timely biodegradation withmaintenance and continuous creation of high quality humus.Tab. 2 Number of Azotobacter sp. (CFU x10 3 ) in different types of wasteType of waste Autumn 2009 Spring <strong>2010</strong> Autumn <strong>2010</strong> AverageComminute 57.3 18.3 38.88 38.16pruning woodGrape marc 66.5 56.2 47.51 56.7Mixture 1:1pruning woodand grape marc62.9 75.3 42.81 85.462,2 49,9 43Composting helps manage large quantities of organic wastes in a sustainablemanner. It is one of the technologies of integrated waste managementstrategies, used to recycle organic materials into a useful product (Giglotti etal., 2005)Type ofwaste H 2 O KClComminutepruningwood250Tab. 3 Chemical characteristics of different types of wastepHTotalCaCO 3 HumusNHN4 NO 3 P 2 O 5(%) (%)mg/kg mg/kg mg/100g(%)K 2 Omg/100g7.11 6.26 0.4 2.71 0.164 126 7 13.8 20 9.6Grape marc 7.18 6.43 0.1 2.37 0.157 147 10.5 17 28.7 8.8Mixture1:1 pruningwood andgrape marc7.51 6.93 0.8 2.12 0.147 161 7 21.4 25.6 8.3Sustainable organic mass is the leading factor for improvement of the soil structureand fertility (Sivčev et al., 2006). The previous statement is confirmed by thecontent of humus, since its values get close to the vineyard optimum value in allthree treatments. Generally, our results are in accordance with the ones acquired byBiale (2000). He has taken into account several results and showed the averagevegetative yield and grape yield value obtained in Europe and Australia. Thecompost microorganisms decompose organic matter while their activity andenzymes, created during these processes, contribute to easier absorption ofnutritious elements by vine and other plants.C/N

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