Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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AN OVERVIEW OF THE METHODS USED TO ESTABLISH THERELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FEEDSTUFF AND COMPOSITION OFREGIONAL DAIRY FOODSAMALIA MITELUT 1 , ALINA CULETU 2 , MIHAELA GEICU Error! Bookmark not defined. ,MONA POPA Error! Bookmark not defined. ,PETRU NICULITA Error! Bookmark not defined. , VERONIKA ABRAM 31 University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Biotechnology, 59 Marasti Blvd, district1, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail: amaliamitelut@yahoo.com2 University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science, Polizu street no.1-7,Bucharest, Romania3 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Jamnikartjeva 101, Ljubljana, SloveniaABSTRACTIn this review are presented different techniques and methods for separation andchromatographic analysis of some feedstuffs and regional diary products in order to establish arelationship between them. For the identification of the structures of different compounds the massspectrometry method is most widely used.The majority of sampling procedures for determination of biomarkers from plants are basedon the introduction of the extract in the GC or HPLC columns.Among the most important biomarkers we refer to carotenoids, terpenes, flavonoids, whichare important factors determining the composition and flavor of dairy products that are linked to thediet of the animal producing the milk and influenced also by the seasonal changes.Keywords: chromatographic methods, feedstuff, dairy products, biomarkersThe relationships between the origin of dairy products and the type ofpasture was intensively highlighted by using popular and well-known analyticalmethods such as gas/liquid chromatography, isotope ratio mass spectrometry,olfactometry or chemical analysis [1, 2, 3].Among the analytical methods used for volatile compound identification,important to establish the relationship between feedstuff and composition ofregional dairy foods, we mention:- headspace technique linked to a GC/MSD/FID system (gaschromatography / mass spectrometry / flame ionization detector) [4]- steam distillation of milk and plant extraction (extractions made withdiethyl ether) and analyzed with GC/MSD/FID) [5]- high –performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)- Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) may be a good supplementto mass spectra detect terpenes (it hepls to distinguish the isomers [6)Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled to gas chromatography–massspectrometry (GC–MS) is a method which has as result identification of a greatnumber of volatile compounds and flavour compounds of the dairy products291

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