Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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The recommended wave lenght for determined elements are:Cu = 324,8 nm;Fe = 248,3 nm; Zn = 213,9 nm;The absorbtion of each element has been measured in standard recommendedconditions (wave lenght, slot optimal distance (width, height), noise, specificconcentration, corected specific concentration, estimated liniar area).The concentration of analyte regarding the absorbtion has been determined,for each element, with the sampling curve:absorbtion = f (concentration), done with the respective sampling solutionsPhysico-chemical properties have been achieved by following standard methods:- Moisture SR ISO 6496/2001- Ash SR ISO 5984/1996- Protein SR EN ISO 5983-2/2006- Fat SR ISO 6492/2001- Fiber SR EN 6865/20023. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSDetermination of beta carotene. In the below figure, the beta caroteneconcetrations are presented after analysing the studied green fodder.Beta caroten2,52,302,0Concentrationmg/100g1,51,00,50,801,101,380,780,0ACSampleDTES1Fig 1. Concentration in β-carotene of the studied samplesConcentration of β-carotene at green fodder samples varied between 0.78and 2.3 mg BC/100g. The minimmal values have been recorded in the case ofsample E from a natural pasture closed to experimental area (0.78 mg BC/100g),respective sample C from an ammended natural meadow, fertilised and padocked(0.80 mg BC/100g).286

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