Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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Biomass accumulation4035302520151050Sample witness Glycerol 2.5% Gyicerol 5%1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 6 days 7 days 8 days 9 days 10daysStrainFig 3. Biomass accumulation produced by tye SB3 strain under the fermentation in thegrowing environments M1, M2 and M3 during 10 daysThe SB3 yeast strain has a behaviour close with SB1 regarding the intervalof biomass accumulation. The interval 4-9 constitutes the optimum area for therefference sample. When adding 2.5% glycerol, the yeast SB3 reaches themaximum level in the 6th day decreasing slightly until the 8th day and thensubstantially. Also in the 6th day, we may observe it reaches the maximum valuefor the biomass accumulation in the environment enriched with 5% glycerol. In thiscase the lag phase is predominantly in the intervall 4-8 from the fermentation cycle.Matematically, we may appreciate that the connection between the threetypes of environments (named X for M1 , Y for M2 and Z for M3) reported to theinfluence over the biomass accumulation of the injected yeast may be expressedusing the co-variance and correlation quotient. If we name Dxi the accumulatedbiomass for SB3 strain from the X environment, Dyi the accumulated biomassfrom the environment Y, and Dzi the accumulated biomass of SB3 in Zenvironment, wheree i=1:3, and M(Dx) , M(Dy) M(Dz) the average values of theaccumulated biomass in the three types of environments, (computed as strainaverages), we have:M(Dx)=28,1 ; M(Dy)= 28,7 M(Dz) )= 28,631cov( X , Y,Z)= ∑(Dxi− M ( Dx))(Dyi− M ( Dy)(Dz3i= 1i− M ( Dz))= − 0,33162

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