Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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Having arranged the treatment means in order of magnitude, we test the totaldifference between the largest and smallest mean by comparison with the S.S.R.for m means. If this is non-significant, we stop testing. If this difference issignificant, we test the differences between the largest and next-to- smallest mean,and the next-to-largest and the smallest mean, by comparison with the S.S.R. form − 1 means. We continue in this way for as long as differences prove significantbut if a difference proves to be non-significant we do not test any differenceswithin it.Another method for compare the variant averages is the Tukey test. It consists inmaking a table in which the first column are ordered descending circles and lines,ascending. Then, it calculates the differences between these values, keeping onlythe positive values and thus, it obtains the average difference triangle. It determinesthe amplitude, by formula:SAmwere S is the sum of squares of deviations of error, and2R2= αRTtab(10)Ttabis the tablevalue of Tukey test, according to α and m, the number of the averagesvariants. If the average difference values of the triangle are smaller than theamplitude, then the difference of the average is insignificant.Further, we solve a problem proposed in the paper [] using statisticalmethods outlined above.In an investigation of the effect of NaCN on the uptake in vitro of aparticular amino acid by intestinal preparations from a certain species of fish, itwas found that each fish would give only about six preparations. Since it would benecessary to use more than one fish in each experiment, a preliminary test wascarried out to examine the variation between preparations from different fish. Threepreparations were made for each of four fish.The results obtained, expressed as µ molwere as follows:1g −Table 3- The table of experimental dataversion/fishdry weight per 20 min period,A1A2A3A41 2,53 2,02 1,66 1,362 2,04 1,92 1,92 1,153 2,34 2,03 1,47 1,16131

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