Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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in vitro grown plants of 1.5-2.0 cm height and 1.0 -1.5 cm root length werepreferable for ex vitro acclimatization. The developed method in this study hasfacilitated the successful transfer of 90% of plants from in vitro to ex vitroconditions.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSFinancial support by the Bulgarian National Science Fund (Project DTK 02/38) isgratefully acknowledged.REFERENCES1. Butic-Keul, A. L., Deliu, C. (2001): Clonal propagation of Arnica montana L., a medicinal plant. Invitro Cell. Dev. Biol. – Plant. Vol.37: 581-585.2. Butic-Keul, A. L., Suteu, A., Keul, M., Deliu, C. (2002): The role of natural extract on the in vitromulitiplication of Arnica montana L. Contributii Botanice. Vol. 37: 183-189.3. Conchu, O., Nichterlein, K., Vomel, A. (1992): Shoot tip culture of Arnica montana formicropropagation. Planta medica. Vol. 58, 1: 73-76.4. Daniel, G., Bomme, U. (1991): Use of in-Vitro Culture Techniques in the Breeding of ArnicaArnica montana L. Bayerisches Landwirtsch. Jahrb. Vol. 68: 249-253.5. Delabays, N., Mange, N. (1991): La culture d'Arnica montana L.: aspects agronomiques etphytosanitaires. Revue suisse Vitic Arboric Hortic. Vol. 23, 5: 313-319.6. Ganzera, M., Egger, C., Zidorn, C., Stuppner H. (2008): Quantitative analysis of flavonoids andphenolic acids in Arnica montana L. by micellar electrokinetic capillarychromatography. AnalyticaChimica Acta, Vol. 6, 4: 196-200.7. Lê, C. L. (1998): In vitro clonal multiplication of Arnica montana L. In: Proc. Plant Biotehnologyas a tool for the Exploitation of Mountain Lands, Acta Hortic., 457: 195-203.8. Lê, C. L. (2000): Factors influencing the in vitro proliferation of Arnica montana L. COST 843,WG1: Developmental Biology of Regeneration, 1 st Meeting, 12-15 Oct 2000, Geisenheim,Gemany, 29-30.9. Malarz, J., Stojakowska, A., Dohnal, B., Kisiel, W. (1993): Helenalin acetate in vitro propagatedplants of Arnica montana. Planta Med., Vol. 59, 1: 51-53.10. Murashige, T., Skoog, F. (1962): A revised medium for rapid growth and bio assays withtobacco tissue cultires. Physiol. Plant., Vol. 15: 473-497.11. Nichterlein, K. (1995): Arnica montana (Mountain Arnica): in vitro culture and the production ofsesquiterpene lactones and other secondary metabolites. Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry,Vol. 33: 47-61.12. Petrova, M., Tasheva, K., Zagorska, N., Evstatieva, L. (2005): In vitro propagation of Arnicamontana L. Comptes Rendus de L’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. 58, 1: 67 – 72.13. Zapartan, M., Deliu, C. (2001): Studies of in vitro regeneration and multiplication of Arnicamontana L.(Asteraceae). Contributii Botanice Vol. 36: 131-135.14. Weremczuk-Jeyna, I. Wysokiñska, H. (2000): Micropropagation of Arnica montana L. andsesquterpene lactones in regenarated plants. Biotechnologia. Vol. 4: 118-122 (In Polish).264

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