Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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Necrotic Disease (PTRND) induced by mechanic inoculation with potato strain Y NTN (B).95% CI= 95% confidence interval of the difference; (Error bars show 95% CI of mean).The behaviour of cultivars Hermes, Koretta and Tâmpa (which started invegetation with lower proteins content) was different. So, after 3 months fromharvesting the inoculated plants, the percents of tubers with Potato Tuber RingNecrotic Disease symptoms were the highest (60-95.8%) (figure 1).Figure 2. Symptoms of potato tuber ring necrotic desease (PTNRD) on roumanian varietiesafter 3 months from the harvest of the inoculated material from the roumanian varieties:Dacia (A); Roclas (B); Romano(C); Tâmpa (D)3.CONCLUSIONThe variety and the protein content (% dry weight) of tubers used for theexperiment influenced the behaviour of the material after the inoculation withpotato virus Y (Y NTN strain- variety Vital).Excepting the cultivars Sante, Dacia and Christian, wich were veryresistent and resistent to mechanical inoculation all the other varieties presented62.5-100% infected plants. The first symptoms on the leaves have been observedon Hermes, Tampa and Koretta varieties and later on cv. Ostara, Romano, Roclasand Agata.15

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