Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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DETERMINATION OF BIOCHEMICAL MARKER OF CAROTENE TYPEIN HARVESTED GREEN FODDER FROM BUCEGI AREAFULVIA A. HÎNCU 1 , DENISA E. DUŢĂ 1 , VALENTIN IONESCU 1 ,VASILE A. BLAJ 2 , AMALIA MITEUŢ 31 National Institute of Research&Development for Food Bioresources – IBA Bucharest, hfulvia@yahoo.com,denisa_duta@yahoo.com, valentin.ionescu@bioresurse.ro2Grassland Research and Development Institute, Braşov, blajadi@yahoo.com3 University of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest -Faculty of Biotechnolog,amalia@agral.usamv.roKey words: green fodder, carotene, electronic nose, sensory fingerprintABSTRACTIn this paper they were studied five samples of green fodder from the Bucegi area. Therewere collected from different pastures, samples D, C, A and T were collected from the sub-alpinepasture within the experimental field, and sample E was collected near the experimental field. It wasfollowed the influence of methods for improving of sub-alpine pastures on a biochemical markercarotene type. Each sample of green fodder was analyzed from physico-chemical point of view andusing a spectrophotometer AAnalyst 400, by flame atomic absorption at the ppm level, it wasdetermined the metal content (Cu, Fe and Zn) for each sample. Also there were achieved experimentsin order to obtain sensory fingerprint using e-Nose FOX 4000.1. INTRODUCTIONAccordingly to Law no. 150/2004 concerning food safety and animal food,the word „traceability” is defined as „the possibility of identification and following,during all production, manufacturing and distribution stages of the animal food, ofan animal for food production and of a substance to be included or which couldincluded in a food product or in the food for animals”(Law no. 150/2004).In this paper, we are looking just a part of the food product flow which canbe obtained in summer grazing conditions on sub-alpine pastures, more precise theinfluence of different pasture increasing methods on the content of green fodder inβ-carotene and metals.The pastures of Bucegi area of a total ammount of about 3,200 ha, out ofwhich 340 ha on lower level (1,600-1,800 m), 1,610 ha on sub-alpine level (1,800-2,200m) and 1,160 ha on alpine level (2,200-2,500m) are representatives for themountain area of the Romanian Carpathians. Unfortunately, due to non-rationalgrazing, decades and even centuries, the grass with valuable fodder species wascontinously degrading, being now dominated by Nardus strict (Maruşca et al.,2003).The carotenoids may be considered potential bio-markers in nutritional andsensorial characterisation of milk product and for milk traceability as raw material.Despite the fact of existing a large range of carotenoids in plants, in fodder thereare maximmum 10, the most important being, as quantity, the β-carotene andlutein. The sensitivity of β-carotene during rumination vary a lot dependeing of283

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