Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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DP700 integrator was used. Compounds identification was performed on the samecapillary column installed in a FISONS INSTRUMENTS MD 800 gaschromatograph/mass spectrometer equipped with split/splitless injector, using thesame oven temperature program with helium as carrier. Data acquisition wasperformed with MassLab software for the mass range from 10 to 350 a.m.u. with ascan rate of 1 scan/sec. The ionization energy was set at 70 eV. Recordered spectrawere compared with NIST (National Institute for Standardization, USA) and Wiley(6 th edition – 220 000 spectra) mass spectral libraries. Compounds identificationwas confirmed by Kovats retention time indices on Carbowax 20M capillarycolumns. Standard substances were also used for compound confirmation.2. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONI. Chemical analysis of winesThe two Muscat Ottonel wines M I and M II were analyzed in terms ofphysico-chemical parameters and the main results are presented in Table 1.Table 1 - The main physico-chemical parameters analyzed winesWinetotalacidity(g/lH 2 SO 4 )sugarcontent(g/l)alcoholicstrength(vol%)glycerol(g/l)total dryextract(g/l)volatileacidity(g/lCH 3 COOH)Muscat OttonelŞtefăneşti-ArgeşM IMuscat OttonelMurfatlarM II3,7 38 11,5 9 26 0,53,2 40 12 11 26 0,6244242240238236234g/l232230228226224222MIMIIFig. 1 - Sugars (g /l) accumulated at harvestof grapes Muscat Ottonel181

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