Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH

Proceedings Volume 2010 (format .pdf) - SimpBTH


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During the digestibility test daily measurements of fodder and water intakeand the quantity of faeces and urine were recorded (tab.7).Table 7 Record data during the test on digestibility (average per head)On average over 24 hoursGroupIngestionExcretionmixed fodder, кg water, l faeces, кg urine, lLM 1,380 3,077 0,478 1,398LE 1 1,515 3,227 0,535 1,486LE 2 1,510 3,371 0,487 1,744LE 3 1,533 4,805 0,521 2,570The analysis of food and eliminated products record data showed that theyoung pigs, whose ration was supplemented with the preparation pro-prebioticBiomin IMBO of different levels, consumed a greater quantity of mixed fodder incomparison with LM: by 9.78%, 9.42% and 11.09% respectively for LE 1 , LE 2 , andLE 3 . At the same time it was observed that faeces eliminations were higher in LE 1and LE 3 in comparison with LM respectively with 11.9 and 9.0%, and 1.9% forthe young pigs in LE 2 .During the test there was a trend towards increased consumption of water inthe experimental piglets, and the same trend towards growth and urine discharges.As it was already mentioned, throughout the whole experimental period faecalsamples were collected and conditioned which were chemically analyzed (tab.8)according to the laboratory methodology described by Petuhova (1989).Table 8 Chemical composition of faeces eliminated during the digestibility experiment, gSpecificationGroupLM LE 1 LE 2 LE 3Dry matter 145,42 163,62 151,76 159,62Organic substance 113,09 125,88 111,89 121,37Crude ash 32,34 37,74 39,87 38,25Crude protein 30,00 33,41 32,27 32,18Crude fat 6,48 7,25 6,02 7,05Crude fiber 43,03 48,61 42,68 46,58Gross SEN 33,58 36,62 30,92 35,56The coefficients of digestibility of nutrients in the mixed fodder weredetermined according to the records of fodder consumption and faeces dischargesduring the digestibility testing and to the primary chemical analysis.Researches on nutrient use showed that the supplementation of the basicrations for young pigs in LE 1 with the preparation pro-prebiotic “Biomin IMBO”at the recommended level did not significantly affect the digestibility of nutrientsin the basic mixed fodder (tab.9).125

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