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Cifuentes Velasco, Bryslie Siomara<br />

Legal Advisor, Management of Fisheries and Aquaculture Unit, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food,<br />

E-Mail: brysliec@hotmail.com<br />

Odilio Romero, Manuel<br />

Bodiom, s/n borio, Bodiom, s/n borio, 15930, A Coruña, Spain; Tel: +34 981 845400, E-Mail: moromero@jeaalsa.com<br />


Asumu Ndong, Lorenzo<br />

Inspector General de Servicios, Ministerio de Pesca y Medioambiente, Presidente Nasser s/n, Malabo<br />

Tel: +240 09 28 19; Mobilel:+240273774, Fax: +240 09 2953, E-Mail: londomas@yahoo.es<br />

Nsue Otong, Carlos<br />

Viceministro de Pesca y Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Pesca y Medio Ambiente, c/ Presidente Nasser s/n, Malabo<br />

GUINEA (Rep.)<br />

Ounouted, Raymond<br />

Ministre de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture, Ministère de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture, B.P. 307, Conakry<br />

Tel: +224 41 36 60, Fax: +224 41 35 23<br />

Sylla, Ibrahima Sory<br />

Directeur National de la Pêche Maritime, Ministère de la Pêche et de l'Aquaculture, Av. De la République - Commune de<br />

Kaloum - B.P. 307, Conakry ; Tel: +224 30415228; 224 60260734; 224 64 38 39 24, Fax: +224 30 451926,<br />

E-Mail: isorel2005@yahoo.fr; youssoufh@hotmail.com<br />


Abdul Latif, Musthofa Taufik<br />

Ministro Consejero, Embajada de Indonesia, Encargado de Asuntos de Economía, Calle de Agastia 65, 28004, Madrid, Spain<br />

Tel: +34 91413 0294, Fax: +34 91413 8994, E-Mail: kbri@embajadadeindonesia.es<br />

Agus Siswa Putra, Dwi<br />

Secretary General, Indonesia Tuna Long Line Association (ATLI), JL, Ikan Tuna Raya I, Pelabuhan Benoa Denpasar, Bali<br />

Tel: +633 6172 7399, Fax:E-Mail: atli.bali@gmail.com<br />

Cahyono, Hanung<br />

Head of Legal Division, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), DG of Capture Fisheries, Bld Mina Bahari II,<br />

17th floor; i. Medan Merdeka Timur nº 16, Jakarta Pusat<br />

Tel: +62 21 351 9070, Fax: +62 21 352 1781, E-Mail: noengcah@yahoo.com<br />

Endroyono, Endroyono<br />

Deputy Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, DG of Capture Fishereis, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF),<br />

JI Medan Merdeka Timur nº 16; Bld Mina Bahari II, 17th floor, Jakarta Pusat<br />

Sukoyono, Suseno<br />

Minister's Advisor, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Economy, Social and Cultural Affairs, JI Medan Merdeka<br />

Timur nº 16;Bld Mina Bahari II, 17th floor,Jakarta Pusat<br />

Tel:Fax:E-Mail: ssn_id@yahoo.com; suseño.sukoyono@gmail.com<br />

Widjajanti, Erni<br />

Deputy Director of IEEZ and High Seas Affairs, DG of Capture Fisheries, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries<br />

(MMAF)Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Bld Mina Bahari II, 17th floor; i. Medan Merdeka Timur nº 16,<br />

Jakarta Pusat<br />

JAPÓN<br />

Miyahara, Masanori<br />

Councillor, Resources Management Department, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-<br />

8907; Tel: +81 3 3591 2045, Fax: +81 3 3502 0571, E-Mail: masanori_miyahara1@nm.maff.go.jp<br />

Fukui, Shingo<br />

Fisheries Agency of Japan, 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 100-8907<br />

Tel: +81 3 3591 6582, Fax: +81 3 3595 7332, E-Mail: shingo.fukui@nm.maff.go.jp<br />

Fukuma, Akio<br />

Japan Far Seas Purse Seine Fishing Association; E-Mail: japan@kaimaki.or.jp<br />


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