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Umweltphysik Montag<br />

Kl<strong>im</strong>a. Die Wasserdampfverteilung in <strong>der</strong> tropischen oberen Troposphäre<br />

ist dabei von beson<strong>der</strong>er Bedeutung. Allerdings gibt es dort bisher nur<br />

relativ wenige zuverlässige Messungen.<br />

Wir haben mit Hilfe von in-situ Wasserdampfmessungen, die <strong>im</strong> Rahmen<br />

des EU Projektes MOZAIC über dem tropischen Atlantik an Bord<br />

von Linienflugzeugen durchgeführt wurden, den Einfluss von Prozessen<br />

<strong>im</strong> Zusammenhang mit tropischer Konvektion auf die Wasserdampfverteilung<br />

in <strong>der</strong> oberen Troposphäre untersucht. Die Herkunft <strong>der</strong> gemessenen<br />

Luft wird mit Rückwärts-Trajektorien bis zu einer konvektiven Wolke<br />

zurückverfolgt, die mit Satellitendaten <strong>der</strong> Wolkenoberflächentemperatur<br />

identifiziert werden kann.<br />

Vorgestellt wird eine Untersuchung dieser über einen Zeitraum von<br />

mehr als 4 Jahren quasi-kontinuierlich vorliegenden Messungen <strong>der</strong> relativen<br />

Feuchte in Abhängigkeit von <strong>der</strong> zeitlichen Entfernung zur Konvektion.<br />

Der Vergleich mit Modellergebnissen zeigt, dass die Abnahme<br />

<strong>der</strong> relativen Feuchte langsamer verläuft, als dies unter wolkenlosen Bedingungen<br />

<strong>der</strong> Fall sein müsste.<br />

UP 9.6 Mo 16:30 Galerie 1<br />

Ozone depletion and chlorine activation in the Arctic winter<br />

2001/2002 and earlier winters — •Ingo Wohltmann 1 , Kai Lindner<br />

1 , Klaus F. Künzi 1 ,andOtto Schrems 2 — 1 Institut für Umweltphysik,<br />

Postfach 330440, 28334 Bremen — 2 Alfred-Wegener-Institut für<br />

Polar- und Meeresforschung<br />

Vortex averaged ozone loss rates for the most recent winters and<br />

chlorine activation <strong>der</strong>ived from measurements of the ground based microwave<br />

radiometer RAM of the University of Bremen will be shown.<br />

Results are compared with the 3-D chemical transport model SLIMCAT<br />

and other methods.<br />

The RAM is a microwave radiometer jointly operated by the University<br />

of Bremen and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine<br />

Research (AWI) situated in Ny-˚Alesund, Spitsbergen. The radiometer<br />

measures ozone, ClO and H2O. Vortex averaged ozone loss rates are<br />

obtained by subtracting the diabatic descent from the observed ozone<br />

change using a radiative transfer model. The ozone observations of the<br />

RAM are assumed to be representative for the vortex, so that loss rates<br />

can be est<strong>im</strong>ated from a single observation point. Additionally, corresponding<br />

chlorine monoxide measurements will be shown.<br />

The results of the calculations will be compared with several different<br />

techniques for the determination of ozone loss. Some of the reasons for<br />

the different results of these methods like the altitude resolution and the<br />

calculation of heating rates are discussed.<br />

UP 9.7 Mo 16:30 Galerie 1<br />

NO2-Production by Lightning Est<strong>im</strong>ated with GOME —<br />

•Beirle Steffen, M. Grzegorski, J. Hollwedel, S. Kühl, T.<br />

Wagner, M. Wenig, W. Wilms-Grabe, andU. Platt — Institut<br />

für Umweltphysik, Heidelberg<br />

NO2 is an <strong>im</strong>portant trace gas in the troposphere with <strong>im</strong>pact on health<br />

and atmospheric chemistry, e.g. ozone production. Therefore a better<br />

un<strong>der</strong>standing of the various source strengths is desirable.<br />

Among the different sources (industry, biomass burning, aircrafts,<br />

soil emissions, lightning) the latter has the highest uncertainty (2-20<br />

Tg[N]/yr) (Lee et al, 1997). While most studies try to est<strong>im</strong>ate the<br />

NO2 produced by one flash and get a global value by extrapolation, with<br />

satellite measurements another approach is possible.<br />

GOME enables a global view of total NO2 columns. With sophisticated<br />

methods also tropospheric values can be obtained (Leue et al, 2001). The<br />

observation of single lightnings is complicated by the coarse spatial resolution<br />

of GOME (40km*320km) as well as the fact that lightning is<br />

attended by clouds. However, high lightning activity shall influence the<br />

measured NO2 value.<br />

In this study, we relate the NO2 received by GOME with the lightning<br />

activity measured by LIS. We regard a region in Australia, where other<br />

sources like biomass burning and industry are negligible. Between the<br />

monthly means of lightning activity and NO2 a clear correlation can be<br />

seen.<br />

UP 9.8 Mo 16:30 Galerie 1<br />

An Advanced Cloud Product for the Interpretation of Tropospheric<br />

Data fromGOME and SCIAMACHY — •Thomas<br />

Wagner, Chrostoph von Friedeburg, Michael Grzegorski,<br />

Mark Wenig und Ulrich Platt — Institut fuer Umweltphysik, Uni-<br />

Heidelberg, INF 229, 69120 Heidelberg<br />

During the last years advanced algorithms for the analysis of tropospheric<br />

trace gases from satellite have been developed. In particular, it<br />

was possible to determine tropospheric column densities of BrO, NO2,<br />

HCHO, SO2, H2O, O2, and (O2)2 from observations of GOME. However,<br />

all of these data products are strongly affected by clouds, which<br />

(a) shield the atmosphere below the cloud cover and (b) show typically<br />

a larger albedo compared to the earths surface. These effects strongly<br />

l<strong>im</strong>it the quantitative analysis of tropospheric trace gas products. Already<br />

existing cloud algorithms are based on spatially resolved intensity<br />

measurements and on the measurement of the O2-A-band absorption.<br />

However, both quantities show <strong>im</strong>portant shortcomings, especially over<br />

snow and ice surfaces. We investigate a large variety of cloud sensitive<br />

parameters measured by GOME including also the polarisation of the<br />

measured light and in particular various absorption bands of the oxygen<br />

d<strong>im</strong>er O4 (at 360, 380, 477, 577, and 630 nm) as well as the Ring effect.<br />

It turned out that several of these quantities are well suited for the<br />

characterisation of clouds even over bright surfaces. Here present first<br />

results of a GOME cloud product for polar regions.<br />

UP 9.9 Mo 16:30 Galerie 1<br />

Measurements of stratospheric chlorine monoxide and water<br />

vapour in Ny-˚Alesund, Spitsbergen — •Kai Lindner 1 ,<br />

Michael Hoock 1 , Ingo Wohltmann 1 , Klaus F. Künzi 1 ,<br />

and Otto Schrems 2 — 1 Institut für Umweltphysik, Bremen —<br />

2 Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven<br />

The Radiometer for Atmospheric Measurements (RAM) is a passive<br />

microwave radiometer, which measures thermal emission from rotational<br />

lines of water vapour at 22 GHz, ozone at 142 GHz and chlorine monoxide<br />

at 204 GHz. The instrument is jointly operated by the Institute<br />

of Environmental Physics of the University of Bremen and the Alfred-<br />

Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research. The RAM is located<br />

at the pr<strong>im</strong>ary Arctic NDSC station in Ny-˚Alesund at the Spitsbergen<br />

archipelago.<br />

The RAM is presently the only instrument in the Arctic allowing a<br />

continuous monitoring of stratospheric ozone and related species such as<br />

ClO. We will discuss measurements of stratospheric chlorine monoxide<br />

collected in winter 2000/2001 and we will show measured diurnal cycles<br />

and compare our data to results obtained by other instruments and<br />

models.<br />

In the last decades stratospheric water vapour has increased noticeably<br />

in the lower stratosphere, an effect, which cannot be explained by<br />

current theories. The newly installed water vapour radiometer is operational<br />

since January 1999. We will show prel<strong>im</strong>inary water vapour<br />

measurements, which have been acquired using the total power method.<br />

UP 9.10 Mo 16:30 Galerie 1<br />

Untersuchung des Zerfalls hochgeladener Tropfen mit Hilfe ultraschneller<br />

Mikro-Photographie — •Tobias Achtzehn, René<br />

Müller, Denis Duft und Thomas Leisner — TU Ilmenau, Institut<br />

für Physik, We<strong>im</strong>arer Str. 32, 98693 Ilmenau<br />

Die Spaltung elektrisch geladener Tropfen ist ein Prozess, <strong>der</strong> bei <strong>der</strong><br />

Ladungsseparation in Gewitterwolken sowie in verschiedenen technischen<br />

Anwendungen wie Elektrospray - Ionisation, Brennstoff - Einspritzung<br />

o<strong>der</strong> Tintenstrahldruck eine wichtige Rolle spielt (siehe Vortrag: Stabilität<br />

hochgeladener Mikrotröpfchen und das Rayleigh - L<strong>im</strong>it). Obwohl<br />

bei Annäherung an das Rayleigh - L<strong>im</strong>it zuerst die Quadrupol - Mode instabil<br />

wird, spaltet ein verdampfen<strong>der</strong> hochgeladener Tropfen nicht symmetrisch,<br />

son<strong>der</strong>n gibt ca. 25% seiner Ladung aber weniger als 1% seiner<br />

Masse ab. Wir beobachten diese Instabilität an levitierten Mikropartikeln<br />

mit Hilfe ultraschneller Photografie. Dies erlaubt es, die Dynamik<br />

des Vorgangs von <strong>der</strong> Quadrupol - Verzerrung bis hin zur Ausbildung<br />

eines ”Taylor - cone” zeitaufgelöst zu beobachten.

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