05.01.2013 Aufrufe

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Teilchenphysik Donnerstag<br />

T 503 Diffraktion<br />

Zeit: Donnerstag 16:15–18:15 Raum: HS 10<br />

T 503.1 Do 16:15 HS 10<br />

Dijets in Diffractive Photoproduction at HERA — •Sebastian<br />

Schätzel 1 , Olaf Behnke 1 , Franz Eisele 1 , and Frank-Peter<br />

Schilling 2 — 1 Physikalisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg —<br />

2 DESY Hamburg<br />

Diffractive parton densities extracted from diffractive deep-inelastic<br />

scattering (DDIS) at HERA fail to describe hard p¯p diffractive scattering<br />

at the Tevatron. Photoproduction provides a transition between DIS<br />

and p¯p collisions and can reveal the un<strong>der</strong>lying mechanism of factorization<br />

breaking. Prel<strong>im</strong>inary results, obtained with the H1 exper<strong>im</strong>ent at<br />

HERA, are presented for the production of jet pairs in diffractive photoproduction.<br />

The measurements are compared to predictions based on<br />

diffractive structure functions extracted in DDIS and to models which<br />

try to explain the suppression of diffractive processes in p¯p collisions.<br />

T 503.2 Do 16:30 HS 10<br />

Pomeron- and Od<strong>der</strong>on Induced Photoproduction of Mesons<br />

Decaying to Pure Multiphoton Final States at HERA —<br />

•Christoph von Cube, Thomas Berndt, Tobias Golling,<br />

Karlheinz Meier, Oliver Nix, and Jürgen Stiewe for the H1<br />

collaboration — KIP, Schrö<strong>der</strong>str. 90, 69120 Heidelberg<br />

Cross section measurements made at HERA for the reactions γp → ωp<br />

and γp → ωπ 0 X, and on searches for the reactions γp → π 0 N ∗ ,<br />

γp → f2(1270)X, andγp → a 0 2(1320)X, whereN ∗ denotes an excited<br />

nucleon state, are presented. The mean γp centre-of-mass energy was<br />

〈W 〉 = 200 GeV (215 GeV for the reaction γp → π 0 N ∗ ). Cross sections<br />

for the Pomeron-mediated reactions were determined in agreement with<br />

previous measurements and phenomenological expectations. In contrast,<br />

Od<strong>der</strong>on induced processes have not been observed; upper l<strong>im</strong>its on cross<br />

sections are below predictions from a non-perturbative QCD model.<br />

T 503.3 Do 16:45 HS 10<br />

Exklusive Elektroproduktion von J/Ψ <strong>im</strong>ZEUS Exper<strong>im</strong>ent bei<br />

sehr kleinem Q 2 — •Joach<strong>im</strong> Tandler für die ZEUS-Kollaboration<br />

— DESY, ZEUS Bonn, Notkestraße 85, 22607 Hamburg<br />

Bei HERA kann man den Positronenstrahl als Quelle virtueller Photonen<br />

auffassen. Wenn ein Positron unter einem kleinen Winkel gestreut<br />

und in einem speziellen Kalor<strong>im</strong>eter (BPC) nachgewiesen wird, ist die<br />

Virtualität Q 2 des Photons auf einen Bereich (für tiefinelastische Streuung<br />

an HERA) sehr kleiner Werte festgelegt (0.15 6GeVand−1

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