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Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association


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where V is open-circuit voltage, r el is the resistance of the<br />

thermopile and load, and α is Seebeck coefficient. The<br />

Figure Of Merit, Z, that quantifies thermoelectric quality of<br />

the material is defined as<br />

Z = α 2 σ / k = α 2 R th /r el , (2)<br />

where σ is conductivity, k is thermal conductivity, and R th is<br />

thermal resistance. By substituting (2) in (1) and introducing<br />

a heat flow as W = ΔT/R th , (1) can be rewritten as<br />

P = WZΔT/4 , (3)<br />

where ZΔT/4 is thermodynamic efficiency. The best<br />

thermoelectric materials for low-temperature energy<br />

harvesting show a Z of about 0.003 K -1 . Therefore,<br />

conversion efficiency of thermoelectric generators is at least<br />

by a factor of 4 less than the Carnot efficiency. Equation (3)<br />

is useful for the analysis of two basic regimes of operation of<br />

a thermopile, Figs. 1a, 1b. In Fig. 1a, W is constant, so the<br />

only ΔT in (3) is variable. As a result, the power is<br />

proportional to R th and there is no optimum unless R th → ∞.<br />

When ΔT is constant, Fig. 1b, the power is proportional to<br />

R -1 th . Again, no optimum can be found except R th → 0. The<br />

two limits contradict to each other therefore there must be a<br />

kind of transitional regime between the regimes illustrated in<br />

Figs. 1a, 1b. Because no optimum can be found, the<br />

practical aspects affect the design choice instead of pure<br />

theory, i.e., technological limitations, material properties,<br />

required and feasible dimensions of the device, irreversible<br />

losses and parasitic effects.<br />

While optimization is conducted in case of W = const.<br />

(Fig. 1a), thermal resistance can be increased either by<br />

increasing the length of thermopile legs, l, or decreasing<br />

their lateral dimension, t, Fig. 2. In both cases, the<br />

technology becomes the barrier. In case of optimization at<br />

ΔT = const. (Fig. 1b), thermal resistance can be decreased<br />

either by decreasing the length of thermopile legs or<br />

increasing their lateral dimension. In both cases, the<br />

interfaces start to dominate, e.g., the contact resistance<br />

between metal interconnects and semiconductor legs, and the<br />

thermal resistance of interfaces to the heat source and sink.<br />

7-9 October 2009, Leuven, Belgium<br />

Furthermore, certain variations are observed on practice at<br />

“constant” either heat flow or temperature difference due to<br />

(i) above practical limitations and (ii) non-perfect both heat<br />

sources and heat sinks. The effect is qualitatively shown in<br />

Figs. 1a, 1b as dashed lines. Suspecting that a smooth<br />

transition must take place from Fig. 1a to Fig. 1b, one may<br />

qualitatively connect these Figs. as shown in Fig. 1 (dotted<br />

lines). This area between Figs. 1a and 1b seems to be the<br />

most interesting regime. Indeed, the optimization at W =<br />

const. takes place to the right of Fig. 1a while optimization at<br />

ΔT = const. takes place to the left of Fig. 1b. The reader<br />

may also pay an attention at (3), which states that power is<br />

proportional to the product of W by ΔT. Therefore, not<br />

much power is produced at maximum thermodynamic<br />

efficiency, Fig. 1b, while maximum power is not produced at<br />

maximum heat flow either.<br />



Basing on above discussion, Figs. 1a and 1b are combined<br />

in one Fig. 3. X-axis is replaced with the ratio of the thermal<br />

resistance of thermoelectric generator (TEG), R TEG<br />

, to the one<br />

of the environment, R env<br />

. Indeed, not the absolute value of<br />

the thermal resistance of thermopile allows constant either<br />

heat flow or temperature difference, but the ratio R TEG<br />

/R env<br />

.<br />

The heat flow is constant in Fig. 1a because it is fully limited<br />

by R env<br />

(in case of energy harvesters). In Fig. 1b, constant<br />

ΔT is provided by the environment with very low thermal<br />

resistance. Once R TEG<br />

approaches from either side to R env<br />

,<br />

neither W nor ΔT can remain constant and change as shown<br />

by dashed lines in Figs. 1a, 1b. Using (3), the reader can<br />

already qualitatively plot the dependence of power, Fig. 3.<br />

According to the thermal circuit, Fig. 2, the ΔT observed<br />

between the heat source and heat sink cannot appear on the<br />

thermopile because of non-zero value of R env<br />

. The task of<br />

this Section is to find the temperature difference on the<br />

thermopile, ΔT tp , corresponding to the power maximum.<br />

Based on electro-thermal analogy, Fig. 2, R TEG<br />

must be<br />

comparable to or larger than the one of the serial thermal<br />

resistor R env<br />

. (This is to obtain large voltage on R tp<br />

in an<br />

electrical circuit, or to obtain large ΔT tp in a thermal circuit.)<br />

This also means that while optimizing the device, i.e.,<br />

changing its thermal resistance, neither constant temperature<br />

metal<br />

n<br />

l<br />

R cold R TEG R hot<br />

p<br />

t<br />

Fig. 2. Thermoelectric generator (TEG) and its thermal circuit. The thermal<br />

resistance of the environment is composed of a thermal resistance between<br />

(i) the heat sink or (ii) the point where heat is generated and corresponding<br />

metal-semiconductor p-n junction plane of a thermopile. Any additional<br />

TEG elements (such as screws or a sealing sidewall on the perimeter of<br />

thermopile) thermally interconnecting the two plates, as well as air between<br />

them and radiation, are denoted as R pp (parallel parasitic thermal resistance).<br />

ΔT/ΔTmax; W/W max; P/Pmax<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

W tp P<br />

ΔT tp<br />

0.01 0.1 1 10<br />

R TEG /R env<br />

Fig. 3. Normalized heat flow through a thermopile (R tp), the temperature<br />

difference on it, and the power. Location of maxima can be at the other<br />

R TEG/R env. The curves end on the left at complete filling of a TEG (fixed<br />

size) with thermocouples, and on the right, with the only one thermocouple.<br />

©<strong>EDA</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong>/THERMINIC 2009 96<br />

ISBN: 978-2-35500-010-2

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