Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association


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A nm unit cell area [m 2 ]<br />

c p specific heat capacity [J/(kg*K)]<br />

g coefficient [L/min/cm 2 ]<br />

h eff effective heat transfer coeff. [W/(m 2 *K)]<br />

h nm unit cell heat transfer coefficient [W/(m 2 *K)]<br />

HT heat transfer<br />

k coefficient [-]<br />

k v coefficient of flow [L/min]<br />

n number of cold plates [-]<br />

P cp cold plate pumping power [W]<br />

P system total system pumping power [W]<br />

total electrical processor power [W]<br />

P el<br />

Δp loop<br />

Δp cp<br />

Δp system<br />

dp/dx<br />

Q <br />

rack cooling loop pressure drop [bar]<br />

cold plate pressure drop [bar]<br />

system pressure drop = Δploop + Δpcp [bar]<br />

pressure gradient [Pa/m]<br />

heat flow [W]<br />

q<br />

nm<br />

unit cell heat flux [W/cm 2 ]<br />

R fluid fluid resistance [kg/(s*m 4 )]<br />

R conv convective thermal resistance [K*mm 2 /W]<br />

R TIM thermal interface resistance [K*mm 2 /W]<br />

T jmax maximal junction temperature [°C]<br />

T fout fluid outlet temperature [K]<br />

fluid inlet temperature [K]<br />

T fin<br />

ΔT fout-in<br />

ΔT j<br />

t nm<br />

t Si<br />

t TIM<br />

V <br />

fluid temp. difference from outlet to inlet [K]<br />

T jmax - T jmin [K]<br />

unit cell cavity height [mm]<br />

silicon die thickness [mm]<br />

bond-line thickness [mm]<br />

cold plate volumetric flow rate [L/min]<br />

V nm<br />

unit cell volumetric flow rate [L/min]<br />

V system<br />

rack cooling loop vol. flow rate [L/min]<br />

7-9 October 2009, Leuven, Belgium<br />

Greek letters<br />

ρ density of water [kg/m 3 ]<br />

constants<br />

h 0<br />

p 0<br />

reference heat transfer coefficient = 1 W/(m 2 *K)<br />

reference pressure = 1bar<br />

subscript/superscript<br />

cp cold plate<br />

el electrical<br />

eff effective<br />

j junction<br />

fout-in fluid outlet minus inlet<br />

fin fluid inlet<br />

fout fluid outlet<br />

loop server rack cooling loop<br />

max maximal<br />

m cell number in y-direction<br />

n cell number in x-direction<br />


We acknowledge Reto Wälchli, Urs Kloter, and Martin<br />

Witzig for their technical contributions and John Magerlein<br />

and Walter Riess for their continuous support.<br />


[1] J. Koomey, “Estimating Total Power Consumption by<br />

Servers in the U.S. and the World”, A report by the Lawrence<br />

Berkeley National Laboratory, February 2007, see http://<br />

enterprise.amd.com/Downloads/svrpwrusecompletefinal.pdf.<br />

[2] E. Colgan et al., “A Practical Implementation of Silicon<br />

Microchannel Coolers for High Power Chips”, IEEE<br />

Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Vol.<br />

30 No. 2., June 2007, pp. 218-225.<br />

[3] T. Brunschwiler et al., “Towards Zero Emission Datacenters”,<br />

IBM J. RES. & DEV., vol. 53 NO. 3 PAPER 11, 2009, see<br />

http://www.research.ibm.com/journal/rd/533/brunschwiler.pdf<br />

[4] H. Hamann et al., “Spatially-Resolved Imaging of<br />

Microprocessor Power (SIMP): Hotspots in Microprocessors”,<br />

Proc. 10th Intersociety Conf. on Thermal and Thermomechanical<br />

Phenomena in Electronics Systems ITHERM 06, 30<br />

May – 2 June, 2006, pp. 121-125.<br />

©<strong>EDA</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong>/THERMINIC 2009 155<br />

ISBN: 978-2-35500-010-2

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