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Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association


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7-9 October 2009, Leuven, Belgium<br />

Because D is finite, there is a finite delay before AC<br />

ETF<br />

power dissipated in the heater creates temperature fluctuations<br />

at the thermopile. As such, an ETF can be seen as a thermaldomain<br />

low-pass filter with temperature-dependent filtering<br />

φ constant<br />

characteristics.<br />

f ETF<br />

(T)<br />

(a)<br />

The filtering characteristics of an ETF can be analyzed by<br />

modeling the thermal transfer impedance between the heater<br />

and the junctions of the surrounding thermopile. For complex<br />

heater geometries, such as in the ETF of Fig. 2, this can be<br />

done by approximating the heater’s volume by a number of<br />

spheres, for which the heat equation is solvable [15, 19]. Using<br />

this model, the hot and cold junctions of the thermopile can be<br />

located on contours of constant phase shift [15], so that the<br />

vector sum of the various thermocouple voltages, and hence the<br />

ETF’s output amplitude, is maximized.<br />

Heater<br />

Thermopile<br />

Phase shift in degrees<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

f constant<br />

ETF<br />

φ ETF<br />

f ETF<br />

φ ETF (T)<br />

(b)<br />

(c)<br />

160<br />

110<br />

60<br />

Frequency in kHz<br />

S<br />

-60<br />

0 60 120<br />

Temperature in °C<br />

Figure 3: Temperature-dependent ETF output characteristics for both phaseand<br />

frequency readout.<br />

100 µm<br />

Figure 2: Photo of a CMOS ETF; the thermocouple junctions are aligned to<br />

have the same thermal impedance to the center of the heater.<br />

To understand how an ETF can be used to measure<br />

temperature, we consider a simplified ETF, consisting of a<br />

point heater and a point temperature sensor. When such an ETF<br />

is driven at a frequency f ETF , it has a phase shift φ ETF , which can<br />

be approximated by:<br />

φ ∝ s<br />

ETF<br />

fETF<br />

D( T )<br />

If either f ETF or φ ETF is kept constant, as shown in Fig. 3a<br />

and 3b respectively, the other will be a function of temperature.<br />

Simulation results are shown in Fig. 3c (for s =20 μm, f constant =<br />

85kHz, φ constant = 90°, D(300K) = 0.89cm/s 2 ).<br />

(1)<br />

From Eq. 1, it follows that in constant phase mode, f ETF (T)<br />

is proportional to 1/T 1.8 , and that in constant frequency<br />

mode, φ ETF (T) is proportional to T 0.9 . The effect of thermal<br />

expansion on s is at the 0.05% level, and is neglected here.<br />

The absolute accuracy of an ETF depends on the accuracy<br />

of its geometry, defined by s, and on D. For IC-grade bulk<br />

silicon, D is well-defined. For low doping levels, it is also<br />

insensitive to process spread [4]. The temperature-sensing<br />

inaccuracy of an ETF is therefore defined by spread in the<br />

distance s, which is caused by lithographic error (e.g. mask<br />

misalignment). This error can be minimized by making s<br />

sufficiently large.<br />


The main problem associated with reading out an ETF is<br />

its low output amplitude. Self-heating and power<br />

consumption issues limit the amount of power that can be<br />

dissipated in the ETF heater. Since silicon is a good thermal<br />

conductor, this means that, for a heater power of say 2.5mW,<br />

the temperature gradient across the thermocouples is only in<br />

the order of 40mK. Assuming a thermopile made up of 20<br />

thermocouples, each with a sensitivity of 0.5mV/K, this<br />

leads to a thermopile output voltage with an amplitude of<br />

about 400μV pp . Due to the presence of wideband white noise<br />

from the thermopile’s resistance, the measurement<br />

bandwidth then needs to be limited to about 0.5Hz to obtain<br />

a temperature-sensing resolution of 0.05ºC.<br />

©<strong>EDA</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong>/THERMINIC 2009 141<br />

ISBN: 978-2-35500-010-2

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