Curlin 4000 User Manual - Med-E-Quip Locators

Curlin 4000 User Manual - Med-E-Quip Locators

Curlin 4000 User Manual - Med-E-Quip Locators

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PCA Prescription MenuNote: The PCA therapy can be programmed for Basal Rate (continuous infusion) only, forBolus (patient demand dose) only, or for both. At least one of these settings must beentered, though, before this menu can be accepted at the “DONE?” prompt.1 BAG Vol (IV Bag Volume): Using the numeric keys, enter the amount of fluid in the IV Bagor <strong>Med</strong>ication Reservoir (include the overfill volume).Note: The volume used for priming via the pump is deducted from the Bag Volume.Therefore, Bag Volume should be equal to or greater than the Amount To Be Infused tostart the infusion.When the correct amount has been entered, press the “YES/ENTER” key to accept thisfield and move on to the next. The range for this field is 1 to 9999.2 BASL RATE (Basal Rate): The <strong>Curlin</strong> <strong>Med</strong>ical pump in PCA Therapy can be set for acontinuous basal infusion of 0 to 50 ml per hour, or the highest limit allowed for theadministration route selected (see Figure 5.1). Use the numeric keys to enter the prescribedrate (the “units” chosen in the Pre-Prescription Menu will appear here).Note: If the rate falls out of the range of the pump (depending on the administration routeselected), a beep will sound, and one of the following alert messages will appear:This field will not be accepted with the “YES/ENTER” key until the rate is adjusted tofall within pump’s range. When the rate is correct, use the “YES/ENTER” key toaccept, and move to the next field.3 BOLUS (Bolus Dose): Use the numeric keys to enter the prescribed bolus (patient demanddose) and when correct, press the “YES/ENTER” key to accept and move on to the nextfield. The Bolus Dose can be set for 0 to 50 ml, or the highest limit allowed for theadministration route selected (see Figure 5.1).Note: If a bolus dose entered falls out of the range of the pump, the above “Greater than MaxField Limit” or “Less than Min Field Limit” alert will also appear and display the limit.4 BOLS INT (Bolus Interval): This field allows the clinician to enter the minimum amount oftime (from 0 to 60 min) prescribed between patient-activated bolus dosing. Enter the time58

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