hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek

hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek

hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek


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——————————————————————> Conseils de révisions / <strong>hiver</strong> winter 2007<br />

Mohammed cartoon controversy, in which thousands of Muslims took to the streets in early 2006 in<br />

protest of cartoons in a Danish newspaper depicting the prophet Mohammed, the Iranian government<br />

sponsored a Holocaust cartoon "contest" that sought entries deriding Jews and mocking the<br />

Holocaust. First prize in the contest went to a Moroccan cartoonist for an image showing the Israelis<br />

building a wall around the Al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem. Superimposed on the panels was an image<br />

of the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz. Holocaust denial is founded on attempts to distort the<br />

documentary record of World War II, and although it has been spreading throughout the Middle East<br />

since the 1980s, the main producers of Holocaust denial continue to be Westerners.<br />

For this reason, Ahmadinejad's effort to promote Holocaust denial has relied heavily on<br />

importing deniers from outside the Middle East. In late 2005 and early 2006, the semi-official Iranian<br />

Mehr News agency ran a series of interviews with Western Holocaust deniers. In March 2006,<br />

Australian Holocaust deniers Fredrick Toben and Richard Krege traveled to Iran to lecture on the<br />

Holocaust at three Iranian universities, and gave interviews to the Iranian radio network IRIB. Ignoring<br />

the Balfour Declaration of 1917, the long history of Zionism, and the principle of Jewish selfdetermination,<br />

Ahmadinejad believes that Israel owes its continued existence to the guilt and<br />

sympathy the Holocaust invokes among the nations of the world. He believes that if he can prove that<br />

the Holocaust is a historical fiction, then not only will Israel's legitimacy disappear, but it will be<br />

revealed that Jews are frauds and imposters who tricked the world into giving them a state they did<br />

not 'deserve.'<br />

Dec. 14, 2006<br />

http://www.adl.org/main_International_Affairs/iran_holocaust_conference.htmMulti_page_sections=sHeading_3<br />


The Holocaust Conference Shames Iran<br />

<strong>by</strong> Amil Imani<br />

We have been telling the world that the present clique of Islamofascists ruling Iran is not truly<br />

Iranian in world-view. And with each passing day, fresh evidence mounts. The recent gathering of<br />

some of the world's fascists in Tehran, at the invitation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's President<br />

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, provides further support for our claim.<br />

Iranians have never had any animosity toward the Jewish people. In fact, our friendship with<br />

the Jews goes back thousands of years. You have to be a fascist to pick on any people, with no<br />

justification at all, to persecute them and aim to annihilate them. And true Iranians are among the<br />

world's staunch supporters of universal human rights.<br />

The circus in Tehran, billed as a "conference," was nothing more than a disgusting attempt <strong>by</strong><br />

the savage inheritors of Muhammad's dogma of hate to continue in his tradition of wanton attacks on<br />

all unbelievers, particularly the Jews.<br />

It is said that you can tell a great deal about people <strong>by</strong> the company they keep. And who was<br />

given a front seat at this "conference" Arguably one of the world's greatest racist scums: former Ku<br />

Klux Klan Imperial Wizard David Duke. In order to show his hateful fiber and simultaneously<br />

ingratiate himself to his newly discovered petrodollar-rich fellow fascists, the fool Wizard told the 70<br />

or so participants, "The Zionists have used the Holocaust as a weapon to deny the rights of the<br />

Palestinians and cover up the crimes of Israel." Music to the ears of the hate-driven mullahs and<br />

fascists of the world.<br />

Then, the Wizard told the Associated Press, "The Holocaust is the device used as the pillar of<br />

Zionist imperialism, Zionist aggression, Zionist terror and Zionist murder."<br />

You are excused if you dismiss the "conference" as an inconsequential forum, since any event<br />

that would have David Duke as its star attraction is bound to be nothing more than an instance of<br />

psychopathic bigotry. However, rest assured that this is not the case. The shameless Wizard and his<br />

handlers have other "luminaries" working with them side-<strong>by</strong>-side to demonstrate conclusively that the<br />

Holocaust is a myth - and that the Jews will have to experience it again to make it real, to the delight of<br />

these children of Hitler.<br />

The impish Ahmadinejad, a man called "monkey" <strong>by</strong> Iranians, opened Tuesday's session <strong>by</strong><br />

thanking God that the Zionist regime was to expire soon: "Its lifetime will be over and their interests,<br />

as well as reputation, will be endangered."<br />

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