hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek

hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek

hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek


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——————————————————————> Conseils de révisions / <strong>hiver</strong> winter 2007<br />

Bolton, who the north Koreans once called "human scum," accuses the Iranian president of<br />

"calling for the destruction of Israel." The Guardian ran the Bolton-accused-Ahmadinejad-ofgenocide<br />

story on December 13, under the headline "Move to bring genocide case against<br />

Ahmadinejad as Iran president repeats call to wipe out Israel." Bolton's suit also refers to<br />

"numerous threats against the United States" Ahmadinejad is alleged to have made, which says<br />

that what Bolton has oodles of in the human scum department, is matched <strong>by</strong> equal oodles of in<br />

the chutzpah department. Did Ahmadinejad really threaten to wipe out Israel No more than<br />

scientists predicting the melting of the polar ice caps are threatening to melt them themselves.<br />

What Ahmadinejad did say was that, "The Zionist regime will be wiped out soon the same way the<br />

Soviet Union was" (5) - a prediction, not a threat. And since the Soviet Union wasn't wiped out in a<br />

hail of nuclear missiles, a storm of terrorist attacks, or an epidemic sparked <strong>by</strong> biological weapons,<br />

it might be safe to conclude that Ahmadinejad expects Israel to collapse through self-inflicted<br />

wounds - the way the Soviet Union did - and not under a barrage of nuclear missiles launched from<br />

Tehran. In the Iranian president's view, the days of Israel, as Zionist state, are numbered because<br />

it was founded on injustice, and therefore stands on rotten foundations. When the UN carved a<br />

Jewish homeland out of someone else's homeland, and without consulting a single Palestinian, it<br />

created a Chimera whose existence would always depend on sponsorship <strong>by</strong> imperialist powers,<br />

and unremitting, massive infusions of aid. In other words, Israel has been artificially kept alive<br />

from the start.<br />

Elections, explained Ahmadinejad, should be held among "Jews, Christians and Muslims" in<br />

Palestine (<strong>by</strong> which he means Israel, Gaza and the West Bank together) "so that the<br />

population.can select their government and destiny for themselves in a democratic manner." (6)<br />

That's a far cry from raining down nuclear missiles on Tel Aviv to wipe out Jews, but is much more<br />

compelling a story if your aim is to shape public opinion in ways that favor a possible future<br />

intervention in Iran. The whole sordid business of the Holocaust conference, and earlier, the<br />

Holocaust International Cartoon Contest, would never have happened had the Danish newspaper,<br />

Jyllands-Posten, not run flagrantly racist cartoons mocking the prophet Mohamed, and had Western<br />

governments not dismissed the resultant flap as an over-reaction <strong>by</strong> a bunch of hot-headed<br />

Mohammedans. It's a free speech issue, the West's politicos said. You Muslims -- simmer<br />

down. What a crock, retorted Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. "In this freedom,<br />

casting doubt or negating the genocide of the Jews is banned, but insulting the beliefs of 1.5 billion<br />

Muslims is allowed." (7) Bull's eye.<br />

With the Jyllands-Posten scandal still resonating, Iran's largest newspaper, Hamshari,<br />

counterpunched. It would sponsor a carton contest to mock the Holocaust. If you can mock the<br />

prophet Mohamed, and say it's a free speech issue, then surely we can mock the Holocaust, and<br />

say the same. As it turned out, the cartoons didn't do much mocking. They didn't present the<br />

genocide of Europe's Jews as a myth, or mock its victims. Instead, they explored the themes of<br />

Israeli brutality against the Palestinians, use of the Holocaust to justify anti-Palestinian crimes, and<br />

parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany.<br />

Judge for yourself. The drawings showed: A vampire wearing a Star of David drinking the<br />

blood of Palestinians; Ariel Sharon in a Nazi uniform; three army helmets together, two with<br />

swastikas and one with the Star of David; a rabid dog with a Star of David on its side and the word<br />

Holocaust around its collar; a dove prevented from flying because it is chained to a Star of David;<br />

US president George Bush seated at a desk swatting doves; an Israeli asleep with three Arab heads<br />

mounted to the wall above his bed; an Israeli soldier pouring fuel into a tank from a gasoline can<br />

that reads Holocaust on the side; a razor blade in the ground, representing the illegal Israeli-built<br />

separation wall, bearing the word Holocaust; two firefighters, each with Stars of David on their<br />

chests, using Palestinian blood to extinguish flames issuing from the word Holocaust. (8) While the<br />

director of the exhibit correctly pointed out to a New York Times reporter that the drawings were<br />

anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist, not anti-Jewish, the newspaper nevertheless ran the story under the<br />

headline "Iran exhibits anti-Jewish art." (9) Conflation of Israel and Zionism with Jew, and<br />

therefore anti-Israel and anti-Zionist with anti-Jewish, is a handy howitzer to have around<br />

whenever you need to blow away opposition to Israel.<br />

This month's conference was similarly described as anti-Jewish and while the conference<br />

certainly featured a cast of unsavory Jew-haters, not all the participants were of the same<br />

stripe. Shiraz Dossa, an admirer of Noam Chomsky and Hannah Arendt, who teaches Third World<br />

politics at St. Francis Xavier University in Nova Scotia, delivered a paper on the abuse of the<br />

Holocaust to justify the war on terror. Dossa calls the Holocaust a reality and says that "anyone<br />

who denies it is a lunatic." (10) He accepted the invitation to speak at the conference to help<br />

Tehran make its point: That the West's commitment to freedom of speech extends only to insulting<br />

someone else's sacred cows.<br />

Last point: If the real aim of the conference was to call the Holocaust into question, it would<br />

hardly make sense to assemble a gang of hacks, flakes and whack-jobs whose credibility is nil. On<br />

the other hand, if the aim was to show that free speech doesn't justify a repellent, silly, and<br />

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